Plompi / VinURL

A Minecraft Fabric mod to download your favourite Tunes
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Music Stops Playing Upon Player Rejoining the Game #9

Open Handyfon opened 3 weeks ago

Handyfon commented 3 weeks ago

Currently, when a player disconnects and then rejoins the game, any music that was playing ceases to continue. This affects the game's ambiance and player experience, particularly in environments where music is a key element of gameplay.

Expected Behavior Music should ideally continue playing from where it left off when a player rejoins the game, or restart based on the game's context. This would enhance continuity and improve the player's immersive experience in the game.

Suggested Solution Implement a system to keep track of each player's last music track and its playtime upon disconnection. This information can be used to resume music playback when the player rejoins. Here’s a potential approach using pseudocode:

@Mixin(ServerPlayerEntity.class) public abstract class ServerPlayerEntityMixin {

@Inject(method = "onSpawn", at = @At("HEAD"))
private void onSpawn(CallbackInfo ci) {
    ServerPlayerEntity player = (ServerPlayerEntity) (Object) this;
    UUID playerId = player.getUuid();
    // Retrieve and resume player-specific music track and position


Steps to Reproduce Log into the game and start any music track. Disconnect from the game. Reconnect to the game. Observe that the music does not continue playing upon rejoining.