Plumillon / ChipView

ChipView is a library to easily create chip like list
Apache License 2.0
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Using chips inside an edittext #10

Open hannayurkevich opened 8 years ago

hannayurkevich commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to use chips inside an edittext?

If so, could you please give me a clue how to use it?

Thanks in advance.

maelfosso commented 8 years ago

Have you the answer ?

I have the same problem.

hannayurkevich commented 8 years ago

Hi @maelfosso,

I haven't tried this library. Decided to use another one, so I don't have an answer, sorry :(

maelfosso commented 8 years ago

Hi @hannayurkevich

Which one are you using ?

hannayurkevich commented 8 years ago

@maelfosso, I'm using this one - And it proved to be quite OK (at least for my purpose).

Have you tried some chips library?

Plumillon commented 8 years ago

Hi @maelfosso and @hannayurkevich and sorry for the delay This is not possible to use it in an EditText because the View itself is a ViewGroup

I don't have currently the time to update it so any help is appreciated :)