PoCInnovation / BruteForce

Apache License 2.0
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BrutForce Next-Gen

BrutForcer written in go.

How does it work?

Using advanced wordlists to gather information on web servers and perform brute force attacks.

Getting Started


Golang install guide

Clone the repository and simply execute:



go build

to build the executable bruteforce.


To run the program directly, execute:

go run src/main.go


./bruteforce [OPTIONS]


For matching usage, the following flags are available:

-status-codes : match based on a list of status codes.

For example, ./bruteforce -status-codes="200,201,202,401,404".

By default : 200, 401, 403, 404, 429, 500

-header : match based on a header.

For example, ./bruteforce -header="Content-Type: application/json".

To match multiple headers, use commas to separate each querie. Specify ALL if you wish to have all matches be true, if not don't add the ALL. As so:

./bruteforce -header="all,Content-Type: application/json,Content-Type: text/css"

./bruteforce -header="one,Content-Type: application/json,Content-Type: text/css"

-body : match based on a body.

For example, ./bruteforce -body="Hello World".

Same applies the body for multiple queries of strings in the body as the header.

Get involved

You're invited to join this project ! Check out the contributing guide.

If you're interested in how the project is organized at a higher level, please contact the current project manager.

Our PoC team ❤️

Lou Onezime

Gustave Delecroix

Luc Simon
Adam Deziri


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