PolinaZulik / metaphor-psycho

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This is to perform experiments on metaphor usage characterizing Russian speakers with different psychological traits.

Materials for the paper 'Towards automatic conceptual metaphor detection for psychological tasks'

I've added the data for the paper 'Towards automatic conceptual metaphor detection for psychological tasks' by Polina Panicheva, Ivan Mamaev, and Tatiana Litvinova, submitted for review in June'22.

Project plan (outdated since April'22):

  1. Choose a metaphoric-literal usage dataset in Russian:
  2. Train and evaluate a BERT-based model of metaphor identification (MMI) - https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/tasks/token_classification on the selected dataset(s);
    • don't forget to evaluate cross-lexical/cross-topic for a lower-bound quality estimation.
  3. Apply the MMI to the dataset - https://rusidiolect.rusprofilinglab.ru/search with FPI-16 ratings, to get metaphorical words.
    • annotate a few texts manually to check quality on new data.
  4. For metaphorical words (and probably contexts, depending on the training dataset), identify target (context) and source (first concrete meaning) domains, by finding a thesaurus or a topic model; preferably, choose domains from the list of target and source domains from the paper http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2016/pdf/1156_Paper.pdf.
  5. Identify frequencies of source, target, and source-target domains for every author. Correlate them with FPI-16 ratings.