Politiwatch / privacyspy

Rating privacy policies for convenience & accountability.
GNU General Public License v3.0
102 stars 26 forks source link

🔏 PrivacySpy

Most people don’t have the patience to read privacy policies. But privacy is important, and we shouldn’t just trust that products are treating our data right. PrivacySpy uses a consistent rubric to grade privacy policies on a ten-point scale.

View the site at privacyspy.org!


To learn how to contribute, please check out the contributing guide. When submitting pull requests, make sure you follow the requested format (shown in the template).

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PrivacySpy is licensed under GPLv3 (see LICENSE).

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PrivacySpy is an open-source initiative maintained by Miles McCainIgor Barakaiev, and the Politiwatch team. Nothing on our platform is legal advice.