PolyProcessInterface / ppi

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Pouvoir passer un tableau de arguments String[] aux processus #39

Closed n-peugnet closed 4 years ago

n-peugnet commented 4 years ago

Pour ça j'ai prévu d'utiliser Apache.Commons.CLI pour rendre les parametres np et scenario optionnel.

Ce qui donnera une usage string de ce type

usage: ppi [--np=<nb-procs>] [--scenario=<path>] <process-class-name>
           <runner-class-name> [<args>...]
n-peugnet commented 4 years ago

Bon finalement j'ai utilisé picocli c'est bien stylé. Ya un peu de conf à faire mais ensuite ça se résume à ça :

@Option(names = { "--np" }, paramLabel = "<number>", description = "Number of processus in the network", showDefaultValue = Visibility.ALWAYS)
static int nbProcs = 5;

@Option(names = { "-s", "--scenario" }, paramLabel = "<path>", description = "Path to the scenario file")
static File scenario = null;

@Parameters(paramLabel = "<process-class>", description = "Fully qualified name of the class to use as process", index = "0")
static String pClassName;

@Parameters(paramLabel = "<runner-class>", description = "Fully qualified name of the class to use as runner", index = "1")
static String rClassName;

@Parameters(paramLabel = "<args>", arity = "0..*", description = "Args to pass to the processes", index = "2..*")
static String[] args = new String[0];

@Option(names = { "-h", "--help" }, usageHelp = true, description = "display a help message")
protected boolean help = false;