PolyProcessInterface / ppi

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Poly-Process Interface

build javadoc release

A high level Java interface to develop distributed protocols.



A bundled jar containing all Java dependencies can be downloaded in the latest release assets. There is also one in the artefacts of each build on master. Then to use the runners that require shared libraries like the MpiRunner see the install dependencies section.


Create a class that extends NodeProcess and at least one class that extends Message. The function init is the first one to be run by PPI. It must be overriden with the initialisation of the process.

Inside NodeProcess there is an instance of Infrastructure named infra. This is the entry point of the API.

// ExampleNodeProcess.java

import org.sar.ppi.dispatch.MessageHandler;
import org.sar.ppi.events.Message;
import org.sar.ppi.NodeProcess;

public class ExampleNodeProcess extends NodeProcess {

    public static class ExampleMessage extends Message{
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public String content;
        public ExampleMessage(int src, int dest, String content) {
            super(src, dest);
            this.content = content;

    public void processExampleMessage(ExampleMessage message) {
        int host = infra.getId();
            "%d Received '%s' from %d\n",
            host, message.content, message.getIdsrc()
        if (host != 0) {
            int dest = (host + 1) % infra.size();
            infra.send(new ExampleMessage(infra.getId(), dest, "hello"));

    public void init(String[] args) {
        if (infra.getId() == 0) {
            infra.send(new ExampleMessage(infra.getId(), 1, "hello"));

Then you can compile your class and run it with the bundled jar which will dynamically load it:

javac -cp ppi-bundle.jar ExampleNodeProcess.java
java -jar ppi-bundle.jar ExampleNodeProcess org.sar.ppi.peersim.PeerSimRunner --np=4

Alternatively you can call Ppi.main() yourself like this and then run your class:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Ppi.main(ExampleNodeProcess.class, new MpiRunner(), args, 3);
javac -cp ppi-bundle.jar ExampleNodeProcess.java
java -cp .:ppi-bundle.jar ExampleNodeProcess

API reference

The API consists of the public methods of the Infrastructure class which can be access via the infra property.

CLI reference

Usage: ppi [-c=<path> | -j=<content>] [-hV] [--np=<number>] <process-class>
           <runner-class> [<args>...]
      <process-class>    Fully qualified name of the class to use as process
      <runner-class>     Fully qualified name of the class to use as runner
      [<args>...]        Args to pass to the processes
  -c, --config=<path>    Path to the config file
  -h, --help             Display a help message
  -j, --json=<content>   Content of the config
      --np=<number>      Number of processus in the network
                           Default: 4
  -V, --version          Print version info


Install dependencies


wget https://download.open-mpi.org/release/open-mpi/v4.0/openmpi-4.0.2.tar.gz
tar zxvf openmpi-4.0.2.tar.gz
cd openmpi-4.0.2
./configure --enable-mpi-java --with-jdk-bindir=$JAVA_HOME/bin/ --with-jdk-headers=$JAVA_HOME/include
make -j2
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd -


wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/peersim/peersim-1.0.5.zip
unzip peersim-1.0.5.zip
sudo cp peersim-1.0.5/*.jar /usr/local/lib


mvn compile

If you installed the libraries in a different location you can use the options -Dmpi.path=/your/prefix/lib and -Dpeersim.path=/your/prefix/lib.

Run tests

mvn test

Build executable jar

mvn package