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Blog layout #24

Closed yuinchien closed 5 years ago

yuinchien commented 5 years ago
arthurevans commented 5 years ago

Removing the author name feels really weird to me. Currently, some of the profile links just go to weird places that don't help you identify the author.

In particular, the profile links currently always go to G+. Many people's G+ pages are moribund, and if the author doesn't have a G+ profile listed, it just... dumps you into G+ with no explanation.

If we're going to cut names from the posts, we should create a profile page with info from the metadata, or something.

arthurevans commented 5 years ago

Other that that concern, layout looks really nice. There are a few places where we inset demos or videos that are shifted to the left in the new layout. For example, see: 2017-08-23-hands-on-30-preview

I'm guessing we'll need to wrap these somehow?

yuinchien commented 5 years ago

New pushed changes:

@arthurevans G+ is obsolete, would link to author's twitter page be more relevant? I am guessing all authors including Polymer team have twitter account. If so, i think the author profile would link to consistent destination. Do you think we can do without author name in this case?

arthurevans commented 5 years ago

I think if we change to twitter instead of g+ for author links in the short term it's probably OK. Since we used to have both web and g+ links on the page, I think I should update the server to define a profile url (web address if specified, otherwise twitter).

As for not including the name, I'm OK with it if everyone else is... @graynorton @justinfagnani Ferris?