Polymer / polymer-project.org

Polymer Project site & blog.
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Polymer documentation site



The documentation site runs in Google App Engine, using the App Engine Python standard environment. Before you start you'll need the following prerequisites:

Set up your repo:

git clone https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-project.org
cd polymer-project.org
npm install

Running the site

The first time you run the site, run npm run build to build the site in its entirety:

npm run build

Then start the App Engine dev server:

npm run serve

The site will be served from http://localhost:8080.


Build and deploy a new version of the site:

npm run deploy

The site will be staged at a new URL (e.g. https://20181207t151022-dot-polymer-project.appspot.com). When ready, go to the App Engine console to migrate traffic to the new version.