Pomax / browser-editor-tests

A browser based code editor test (code mirror, monaco, etc)
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Comparing browser editors

This repo is an attempt to explore the various browser-based editor frameworks like Ace, Monaco, and Codemirror.

I have no preference, but that doesn't mean they're all equally useful. These will be ranked based on a list of criteria that no single editor will be able to hit, and that's the point: no one's actually written a real browser-based editor that you just install and off you go, even in 2024 it's a ridiculous "you get the LEGOs and now you get to 3D print your own additional LEGOs" situation.

Feel free to let me know what additional criteria you'd expect a proper browser-based editor to come with. These aren't "what editors offer" criteria, but "what I, as a user, expect" criteria.

how do I use this?

It's a node project, so you'll need that installed (I recommend nvm or its windows equivalent), then clone this repo (or fork it and then clone that) and run npm install. Things should be cross-platform enough to work on Windows, Mac, and Linux by running npm start and then opening the URL that tells you things are running on.

In order to properly compare editors, this test suite comes with:

I want more

I know. Get in touch. We can do more.

Why aren't you testing [...]?

Because you never told me that exists, file an issue so I can add it.