PonderSlime / Planet-Earth-Stranded

MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link


This is one of my submission for the Hack Club: Arcade program that occured the summer of 2024

Planet Earth: Stranded is a gliding game where you explore floating islands and collect scraps

How to play:

1: Go to releases and download the .zip package for your device. Both Windows and Linux are supported

2: Extract the .zip folder

3: Locate the .appimage or the .exe file and double-click to play

The controls are as follows: WASD for movement, Ctrl to run, Space to jump, Q to toggle the glider, and Esc to quit

Screenshot from 2024-07-13 17-04-40 Screenshot from 2024-07-13 17-04-11 Screenshot from 2024-07-12 18-03-59 Screenshot from 2024-07-12 18-03-45