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March Release Check List: Locking LP IncreaseAmount Fails #225

Closed Jogas28 closed 3 months ago

Jogas28 commented 3 months ago

Description: Increasing the lock amount when locking lp does not trigger a wallet authentication.

Extending the lock period functions as intended, trying to increase the lock amount does not display the expected "new voting power" and consistently shows 0.00 (see screenshot 1). Then the interface remains indefinitely on the "Increasing lock amount" message, with no wallet authentication taking place and it is therefore not possible for me to increase the amount (see screenshot 2).

Environment: https://vaultcraft-git-feat-multichaingauges-0xpawp.vercel.app/vaults Google Chrome Version 122.0.6261.129

Screenshots: 1)

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-21 um 03 04 15


Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-21 um 03 04 35