Popcorn-Limited / vaultcraft

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A no-code DeFi protocol for customizing vault strategies.

Introducing VaultCraft

Yield-generating token vaults for everyone, arriving April 24th, 2023

Two years ago, Popcorn embarked on a journey to reinvent yield-generating financial products. By automating protocol fees to fund non-profit organizations, users could earn a competitive yield on their crypto assets while generating impact around the world.

While we were building products like Butter, 3x, and POP staking vaults, we came across an earth-shaking discovery — one that could forever change the way that projects manage digital assets. The time has come to take the lid off.

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  1. Install dependencies
  2. Clone Popcorn-Limited/contracts
  3. Install dependencies and add env variables
  4. Run yarn anvil using and ethereum RPC for $FORKING_RPC_URL to fork the ethereum main network
  5. Run yarn dev in this repo and connect your Wallet to localhost:8545 with chainId 1337