Popoyoko / popoyoko-ui

MIT License
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This is the Developement Repo

đŸ“Ļ Here is the package branch <= The best place if you want to use it

đŸ“Ļ Here is the DEV package branch <= The best place if you want to use it

🕹ī¸ Here is the storybook

This reportory is using bun instead of npm

🏴‍☠ī¸ Install BUN here

bun run dev

Runs the vite application in development mode.

The page will be reloaded if you make any changes. You will also see all lint errors in the console.

bun run build

Builds the application for production in the build folder.

"tsc && vite build" "tsc" compiles the TypeScript code into JavaScript. "vite build" builds the application for production using the Vite tool.

Your library is ready to be exported to other applications!

bun run preview

Launch a local development server that allows to preview the application under development.

bun run storybook

Launch the Storybook environment, a development tool for designing and testing user interface components in isolation.

port 6006 is used

bun run build-storybook

Allows you to create a build of the user interface of the application or website, using Storybook as a compilation tool.

bun run run watch

Launch a compilation process in "watch" mode that monitors the application's source files and automatically recompiles them as soon as there are changes.

"watch": "vite build --watch --mode development" command launches the "vite build" command with two additional options: "--watch" and "--mode development".

The "--watch" option tells Vite to monitor the application's source files and to recompile automatically as soon as there are changes. The "--mode development" option tells Vite to compile the application in development mode.

Use in a react project

To use Popoyoko UI Vite in your React project, follow these steps:

Install the package using your package manager of choice (bun, npm or yarn):

bun add github:Popoyoko/popoyoko-ui#package

Now you can import the desired components from the library

For example :

import { Information } from "popoyoko-ui";

You can easily view all components and their props directly in the storybook.

Learn More

You can learn more in the Vite documentation