PortSwigger / turbo-intruder

Turbo Intruder is a Burp Suite extension for sending large numbers of HTTP requests and analyzing the results.
Apache License 2.0
1.42k stars 207 forks source link

Error on Win11: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value #115

Closed angel1374 closed 1 year ago

angel1374 commented 1 year ago

`Loaded Turbo Intruder v1.0.19 Starting attack... There was an error executing your Python script. This is probably due to a flaw in your script, rather than a bug in Turbo Intruder :) If you think it is a Turbo Intruder issue, try out this script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PortSwigger/turbo-intruder/master/resources/examples/debug.py For your convenience, here's the full stack trace: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create PyString with non-byte value at org.python.core.PyString.(PyString.java:64) at org.python.core.PyString.(PyString.java:70) at org.python.core.Py.newString(Py.java:641) at org.python.core.PySystemState.initRegistry(PySystemState.java:800) at org.python.core.PySystemState.doInitialize(PySystemState.java:1045) at org.python.core.PySystemState.initialize(PySystemState.java:974) at org.python.core.PySystemState.initialize(PySystemState.java:930) at org.python.core.PySystemState.initialize(PySystemState.java:925) at org.python.core.PySystemState.initialize(PySystemState.java:920) at org.python.core.PySystemState.initialize(PySystemState.java:916) at org.python.core.ThreadStateMapping.getThreadState(ThreadStateMapping.java:32) at org.python.core.Py.getThreadState(Py.java:1440) at org.python.core.Py.getThreadState(Py.java:1436) at org.python.core.Py.getSystemState(Py.java:1456) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:105) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:94) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:71) at burp.Fast_httpKt.evalJython(fast-http.kt:130) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:353) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:208) at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$1.run(Thread.kt:30)

Starting attack... There was an error executing your Python script. This is probably due to a flaw in your script, rather than a bug in Turbo Intruder :) If you think it is a Turbo Intruder issue, try out this script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PortSwigger/turbo-intruder/master/resources/examples/debug.py For your convenience, here's the full stack trace: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.python.core.PyModule.module_init(PyModule.java:64) at org.python.core.PyModule.(PyModule.java:47) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:112) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:94) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:71) at burp.Fast_httpKt.evalJython(fast-http.kt:130) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:353) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:208) at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$1.run(Thread.kt:30)

Starting attack... There was an error executing your Python script. This is probably due to a flaw in your script, rather than a bug in Turbo Intruder :) If you think it is a Turbo Intruder issue, try out this script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PortSwigger/turbo-intruder/master/resources/examples/debug.py For your convenience, here's the full stack trace: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.python.core.PyModule.module_init(PyModule.java:64) at org.python.core.PyModule.(PyModule.java:47) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:112) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:94) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:71) at burp.Fast_httpKt.evalJython(fast-http.kt:130) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:353) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:208) at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$1.run(Thread.kt:30)

Starting attack... There was an error executing your Python script. This is probably due to a flaw in your script, rather than a bug in Turbo Intruder :) If you think it is a Turbo Intruder issue, try out this script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PortSwigger/turbo-intruder/master/resources/examples/debug.py For your convenience, here's the full stack trace: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.python.core.PyModule.module_init(PyModule.java:64) at org.python.core.PyModule.(PyModule.java:47) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:112) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:94) at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.(PythonInterpreter.java:71) at burp.Fast_httpKt.evalJython(fast-http.kt:130) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:353) at burp.TurboIntruderFrame$actionPerformed$1$4$1.invoke(fast-http.kt:208) at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$1.run(Thread.kt:30)

` 图片

angel1374 commented 1 year ago

My name is java in the win 11 system. The default of the python dual environment is java 11 java 8 1.8. The default is python 3.8 python 2 2.7. Use jython standalone 2.7.2.jar

angel1374 commented 1 year ago

Win10 is normal, but Win11 reports these errors

angel1374 commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I've found the reason. It's because the JAVA dual environment is not completely divided

albinowax commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update

destinypwd commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I've found the reason. It's because the JAVA dual environment is not completely divided

I also encountered this problem. How did you solve it,thinks

albinowax commented 1 year ago

@destinypwd I'd suggest trying the Burp exe installer which comes with Java built in.

angel1374 commented 1 year ago

Check the Java environment, it is recommended that a version of the Java environment, multiple versions of the Java environment need to be fully independent. I because multiple JAVA version not completely errors caused by segmentation

destinypwd commented 1 year ago

But how to completely split the Java environment in the computer,Thank you for your reply The java environment of my computer is like this image