Turbo Intruder is a Burp Suite extension for sending large numbers of HTTP requests and analyzing the results. It's intended to complement Burp Intruder by handling attacks that require exceptional speed, duration, or complexity. The following features set it apart:
On the other hand it's undeniably harder to use, and the network stack isn't as reliable and battle-tested as core Burp's. As this is a tool for advanced users only I am not going to provide personal support to anyone having trouble using it. Also I should mention it's designed for sending lots of requests to a single host. If you want to send a single request to a lot of hosts, I recommend ZGrab.
To get started with Turbo Intruder, please refer to the video and documentation at https://portswigger.net/blog/turbo-intruder-embracing-the-billion-request-attack
Build using:
Linux: ./gradlew build fatjar
Windows: gradlew.bat build fatjar
Grab the output from build/libs/turbo-intruder-all.jar
If you're interested in creating your own implementation of the single-packet attack, you can view Turbo Intruder's reference implementation in src/SpikeEngine.kt and src/SpikeConnection.kt
This reference implementation was built on Burp Suite's native HTTP/2 stack. It should be possible to make a similar implementation using any HTTP/2 library that provides a frame-level interface. I've seen Golang's HTTP/2 stack used for some frame-level attacks so that might be a good choice.