Positive-Potatoes / ambits

Mobile-first web application for habit tracking and location-based accountability
MIT License
0 stars 3 forks source link

Ambitually (formerly Ambits)

Mobile-first web application for habit tracking and location-based accountability

Bet on Tomrrow, Today!

Table of Contents

  1. Team
  2. Usage
  3. Requirements
  4. Development
  5. Contributing



To start the app locally, simply install the npm dependencies and run the server:

npm install
npm start



Deployment Setup

  1. Set up an account on MongoLab
  2. Set up a Heroku account
  3. Create a MongoLab database for the app
  4. Set a user and password for the MongoLab database

Lastly, make sure to set the following environment variable on Heroku, using heroku set:config KEY=VALUE from the command-line:


View the project roadmap here


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.