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RFC: Freelance commission for 'Self-hosted alternatives to Hotjar, FullStory and LogRocket' #3114

Closed andyvan-ph closed 2 years ago

andyvan-ph commented 2 years ago

Article Title: Self-hosted (and open source) alternatives to Hotjar, FullStory and LogRocket Word Count: 1,200 words

Article structure and tone should be similar to The 8 best open source analytics tools

Article outline

INTRO: Quick overview of what the article is about, what Hotjar etc. do

Why is session recording useful?

  • Outline the benefits and different use cases for session recording

Self-hosted vs cloud session recording

  • Outline the benefits of self-hosting vs cloud platforms
  • Main focus will be data control, ownership and privacy compliance concerns, particularly for GDPR and HIPAA
  • Link to our guides on the best GDPR and HIPAA compliants analytics tools here

    1. [Product]

Description of product and features it offers, including any additional features outside of session recording

Who is [product] for?`

Explain what kind of user / customer / use case the product is ideal for


Bullet point list of product benefits and features

How much does it cost?

Quick overview of how much you get for free and what you have to pay for. Also mention here whether there is a cloud option and costs associated

Is it open source?

If yes, explain under what license and any limitations

Repeat for other entries

Alternatives to feature include:

Useful resources:

Things to note when writing about PostHog and our recording feature:

joethreepwood commented 2 years ago

Probably worth also asking this writer to join the community Slack, or a partner group so we can chat with them if you think they're likely to have questions etc.

andyvan-ph commented 2 years ago

Probably worth also asking this writer to join the community Slack, or a partner group so we can chat with them if you think they're likely to have questions etc.

It's Hanna, btw