PostHog /

Official docs, website, and handbook for PostHog.
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posthoglogo - Website, docs, blog, and handbook

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This is the repository for the PostHog website. It contains:

Table of contents

Quick start

  1. Pre-installation

    Install Node and Yarn. (If you're on a Mac with Apple Silicon and get an error with -86 in it, you may need to install Rosetta.)

    npm install --global yarn
  2. Start developing

    Clone the repo then navigate into your new site’s directory, install the site dependencies, and start it up.

    yarn start

    Tip: Seeing a discrepancy between local development and staging/production? Preview the production build locally by running gatsby build && gatsby serve

  3. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8001!

    Note: You'll also see a second link: http://localhost:8001/___graphql. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.

See full instructions on developing locally in our manual.

Advanced setup

Debugging errors on start

  1. Pull the latest changes from master
  2. Run gatsby clean && yarn start or delete node_modules and .cache
  3. Check builds are passing in deployment to Vercel

Working on /docs/api?

The site will load the API schema from US Cloud by default. You can override this to use your local PostHog instance with an env var:


Want Ashby job listings or GitHub contributors to load?

You’ll need to set environment variables for these. See (private) instructions for this.

Developing the posts section

To see your local version of the posts section, /posts needs to be visited directly (http://localhost:8001/posts)

Developing the merch store

Additional environment variables are needed to develop the merch store:

Currently, these environment variables are excluded from Vercel preview builds to disable merch store node creation and speed up build times on non-merch related PRs.


We <3 contributions big and small. In priority order (although everything is appreciated) with the most helpful first: