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Megaissue 2024 Q3: Creative content ideas that spark joy #8857

Open jtemperton opened 2 days ago

jtemperton commented 2 days ago


We want more great, creative ideas for content to run on PostHog dot com and also in the Product for Engineers newsletter. Great blogs, great newsletters, great blogs that become newsletters. More great, creative content also means more great social content.

We're looking for ideas for more creative pieces of writing where we can take a strong point of view and defend it. These ideas should support PostHog's mission and point of view and, crucially, appeal to our core audience of founders and product engineers. Hot takes, but good takes. To help with this, we've created a weekly Ideas Cauldron meeting.

Everyone who comes to this meeting should come along with at least one idea they want to work on and be ready to talk everyone through a quick pitch as to why it's a great idea and how they would write it. You can have more than one idea, that's great! You can also bring along ideas that you might not want to do but you feel that someone should. We'll discuss ideas, yay/nay them, then crack on with research and writing.

Some personal faves that may or may not inspire you...

Beyond the 10x engineer The habits of effective remote teams (yes, I'm biased) How first-time founders fail Hiring (and managing) cracked engineers

Some context, these newsletters have driven the most subscriptions on Substack since Product for Engineers launched:


My take on what works.

And these have driven the least subscriptions:


My take on what doesn't work? Things that are two naval-gazing and don't seem immediately actionable or relevant to our audience.


More great ideas that go from pitch to publication from a wide roster of writers. Wherever they're published, these pieces of content should be widely read and have strong engagement.
