PowerShell / PSResourceGet

PSResourceGet is the package manager for PowerShell
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User context, don't install to `%OneDriveCommercial%` if OneDrive for Business Known Folder Move (KFM) is enabled #627

Open o-l-a-v opened 2 years ago

o-l-a-v commented 2 years ago

Summary of the new feature / enhancement

Behavior today

Default install location for PowerShell scripts and modules when specifying user context, is:

But if you have OneDrive for Business set up with Known Folder Move (KFM), default install location for user context is:

Why is it a problem

This is not ideal, as you'll end up with hundreds or thousands of small files that will be synced up and down to OneDrive, which might cause OneDrive sync issues, and other performance hits.

I currently install all modules to AllUsers scope for this reason. Currently 2.7 GB, 12 617 files, 2 315 folders.

Screenshot ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6450056/162154199-f95ee0f9-dc2d-4939-aa96-b6735cadeafb.png)

If I did not care about this myself, I'd be using more than 1 / 10 of the capacity / max number of files recommendation for the OneDrive client, just for PowerShell modules.

Proposed technical implementation details

In my opinion, there is no reason to install PowerShell modules from PowerShell Gallery to OneDrive by default when KFM is active. A publicly available PowerShell module is nothing unique that needs to be backed up/ synced.

Option 1 - Cmdlet to set PSResourceLocation for Process/User/Machine

Add cmdlet to set PSResourceLocation for scope Process/User/Machine. For instance:

Set-PSResourceLocation -Scope 'Process' -Path ('{0}\Microsoft\PowerShell' -f $env:LOCALAPPDATA)

It could also:

Option 2 - Use first path in $env:PSModulePath if set

If I've set [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath','User').Split(';')[0] to be somewhere else than the default location for <scope>, use it.

Option 3 - Don't follow KFM redirect

Users must opt in to install PowerShell modules to OneDrive, instead of current default behavior.

Option 4 - Change default location for user scope to %LOCALAPPDATA%

Change default location for user context to:

SydneyhSmith commented 2 years ago

Thanks @o-l-a-v for opening this issue, we are investigating this-- to confirm have you hit this issue with our v3 previews?

o-l-a-v commented 2 years ago

Don't remember if I've tried with v3 yet.

Should be easy enough for you to reproduce? :)

o-l-a-v commented 2 years ago

Tested with beta 3.0.12, it installs to %OneDriveCommercial%\Documents from both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7.2.2.

\WindowsPowerShell with Windows PowerShell, \PowerShell with v7.2.2.

# Import module downloaded from PowerShellGallery, extracted with 7-Zip
Import-Module -Name ('{0}\powershellget.3.0.12-beta\PowerShellGet.psd1' -f [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop'))

# Check imported modules

# Install a module in user context
PowerShellGet\Install-PSResource -Name 'Az.Cdn' -Scope 'CurrentUser' -Repository 'PSGallery' -Quiet -Confirm:$false -TrustRepository -Reinstall
o-l-a-v commented 2 years ago

Related issues from PowerShell/PowerShell:

SydneyhSmith commented 2 years ago

Thanks @o-l-a-v we are planning to do a deeper dive into these (and other path) issues after our next release

Jaykul commented 2 years ago

Honestly, whether or not the changes in PowerShell/15552 are made, having a parameter set which gives us the ability to specify the -InstallPath instead of a -Scope when calling Install-PSResource would allow users who really want or need to do this to just change their $Env:PSModulePath and set a $PSDefaultParameterValues to make it happen -- without needing to learn to use Save-PSResource instead.

On company developer laptops, OneDrive routinely causes "Access to the cloud file is denied" errors when trying to upgrade modules there, and starts needlessly mirroring the files back to the cloud, slowing down install even more. Not to mention that every time I remove an old version of Az or Microsoft.Graph it causes that scary warning about how something has deleted thousands of files from my OneDrive...

BradCalvertLPNT commented 2 years ago

I was more than happy to solve this in OneDrive "Choose Folders" option, but that doesn't work remotely the way I expected. I just wanted to exclude the Modules folder from syncing entirely but unchecking it in that screen does very different things than that.

fowl2 commented 1 year ago

Having modules roam between machines (via OneDrive) is desired functionality for me! Please don't turn it off!

I can see that some might want to turn it off, which they can at the moment by setting $env:PSModulesPath.

I can also see that some sort of alternative mechanism might be desired - eg. some sort of placeholder file, etc. although not all modules are available from the gallery, so quite a bit of design required there.

I would strongly recommend caution when breaking existing workflows by disabling/altering the currently enabled-by-default feature.

anamnavi commented 1 year ago

@fowl2 thanks for reaching out and providing insight into your use case with this default behavior. This is being discussed and worked on from the PowerShell project side, on this issue linked here: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/15552

If you can share this comment there, that would be great thanks.

o-l-a-v commented 1 year ago

After some more tinkering I've found a solution that works for me.

1. Decide on desired directory

I settled on %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerShell\Modules.

2. Create desired directory

The desired directory must be created prior to step 4.

Example code ```powershell $DesiredDirectory = [string] '{0}\Microsoft\PowerShell\Modules' -f $env:LOCALAPPDATA if (-not [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($DesiredDirectory)) { $null = [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($DesiredDirectory) } ```

3. Set user context environmental variable PSModulePath to desired directory

Important for PowerShell to automagically look for modules in desired directory.

Example code ```powershell # Assets $PSModulePathWanted = [string] '%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\PowerShell\Modules' $PSModulePathWantedResolved = [string] (cmd /c ('echo {0}' -f $PSModulePathWanted)) $RegistryPath = [string] 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment' # Create path if it does not exist if (-not [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($PSModulePathWantedResolved)) { $null = [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($PSModulePathWantedResolved) } # Get current value without resolving the path / expanding the environmental variable $PSModulePathCurrent = [string]( (Get-Item -Path $RegistryPath).GetValue( 'PSModulePath', '', 'DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames' ) ) # Make current PSModulePath to a string array for easier operations $PSModulePathNewAsArray = [string[]]( $PSModulePathCurrent.Split( [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator ).Where{ -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } ) # Remove "MyDocuments" if present, as it will resolve to OneDrive if Known Folder Move is enabled $PSModulePathNewAsArray = [string[]]( $PSModulePathNewAsArray.Where{ $_ -notlike ('{0}\*' -f [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) } ) # Add $PSModulePathWanted if not already present if ($PSModulePathNewAsArray -notcontains $PSModulePathWanted) { $PSModulePathNewAsArray = [string[]]( [string[]]($PSModulePathWanted) + [string[]]($PSModulePathNewAsArray) | Where-Object -FilterScript { -not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) } ) } # Convert $PSModulePathNewAsArray to string for easier comparison to existing value $PSModulePathNew = [string]($PSModulePathNewAsArray -join [System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator) # Set new value if it changed if ($PSModulePathNew -ne $PSModulePathCurrent) { $null = Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name 'PSModulePath' -Value $PSModulePathNew -Force -Type ([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString) } ```

4. Use Save-Package for installing modules

Use PackageManagement cmdlet Save-Package, which let's you specify path.

Example code using PackageManagement ```powershell # Install a module ## Assets $DesiredDirectory = [string] '{0}\Microsoft\PowerShell\Modules' -f $env:LOCALAPPDATA $ModuleToInstall = [string] 'Az.Accounts' ## Create directory if it does not already exist if (-not [System.IO.Directory]::Exists($DesiredDirectory)) { $null = [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($DesiredDirectory) } ## Install module $null = PackageManagement\Save-Package -Type 'Module' -Source 'PSGallery' -Name $ModuleToInstall -Path $DesiredDirectory ```

Edit 1

I later found out that PackageManagement and PowerShellGet does not actually use $env:PSModulePath when searching for installed modules, while Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Module and Import-Module does. Opened an issue on this here:

The problem with Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Module though, for me at least, is that it does not return enough attributes on the module, like "Author".

Workaround for finding installed modules and versions to custom folder location. ```powershell ### System context / AllUsers $ModulesDirectory = [string] '{0}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' -f $env:ProgramW6432 ### User context / CurrentUser $ModulesDirectory = [string] '{0}\Microsoft\PowerShell\Modules' -f $env:LOCALAPPDATA ### Get installed modules $ModulesInstalledFromPSGallery = [PSCustomObject[]]( $( [array]( Get-ChildItem -Path $ModulesDirectory -Depth 0 -Directory ) ).ForEach{ Get-ChildItem -Path $_.'FullName' -Depth 0 -Directory | Where-Object -FilterScript { [System.IO.File]::Exists( ('{0}\PSGetModuleInfo.xml' -f $_.'FullName') ) } | Group-Object -Property 'Parent' }.ForEach{ [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Module' = [string] $_.'Name' 'Versions' = [System.Version[]] $_.'Group'.'Name' 'Author' = [string]( (Get-Content -Path ('{0}\PSGetModuleInfo.xml' -f $_.'Group'[0].'FullName') -Raw).Split( [System.Environment]::NewLine ).Where{ $_ -like '**' }.Trim().Split('>')[-2].Split('<')[0] ) 'Path' = [string] [System.IO.Directory]::GetParent($_.'Group'[0]) } } ) ```

Edit 2

Got it faster by using .NET classes

Click to expand ```powershell ### System context / AllUsers $ModulesDirectory = [string] '{0}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' -f $env:ProgramW6432 ### User context / CurrentUser $ModulesDirectory = [string] '{0}\Microsoft\PowerShell\Modules' -f $env:LOCALAPPDATA $ModulesInstalledFromPSGallery = [PSCustomObject[]]( $( [string[]]([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($ModulesDirectory)) ).ForEach{ $( [string[]]([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($_)) ).Where{ [System.IO.File]::Exists(('{0}\PSGetModuleInfo.xml' -f $_)) } | Group-Object -Property @{'Expression'={[string]$_.Split([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)[-2]}} }.ForEach{ [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Module' = [string] $_.'Name' 'Versions' = [System.Version[]]($_.'Group'.ForEach{$_.Split([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)[-1]}) 'Author' = [string]( [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines(('{0}\PSGetModuleInfo.xml' -f $_.'Group'[0])).Where{ $_ -like '**' }.Trim().Split('>')[-2].Split('<')[0] ) 'Path' = [string] [System.IO.Directory]::GetParent($_.'Group'[0]) } } ) ```

Edit 3

Got it even faster by using <string>.Contains() vs -like, and .Where({<filter>},'First').

Click to expand ```powershell $ModulesInstalledFromPSGallery = [PSCustomObject[]]( $( [string[]]([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($ModulesDirectory)) ).ForEach{ $( [string[]]([System.IO.Directory]::GetDirectories($_)) ).Where{ [System.IO.File]::Exists(('{0}\PSGetModuleInfo.xml' -f $_)) } | Group-Object -Property @{'Expression'={[string]$_.Split([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)[-2]}} }.ForEach{ [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Module' = [string] $_.'Name' 'Versions' = [System.Version[]]($_.'Group'.ForEach{$_.Split([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)[-1]}) 'Author' = [string]( [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines(('{0}\PSGetModuleInfo.xml' -f $_.'Group'[0])).Where( {$_.Contains('')}, 'First' ).Trim().Split('>')[-2].Split('<')[0] ) 'Path' = [string] [System.IO.Directory]::GetParent($_.'Group'[0]) } } ) ```
aetos382 commented 1 year ago

I have not researched the behavior of PowerShellGet v3, but in v2, when the Update-Module command calls the Install-Module command internally, it uses the value of the InstalledLocation from the PSGetModuleInfo.xml file located within the directory where the module is installed to determine the value of the Scope parameter. This file contains the full path of the module directory. However, if the document directory is synchronized with OneDrive and the same Microsoft account is used on multiple machines, or if the PC is re-setup and the username changes, it is possible that the value of InstalledLocation and the actual path where the module exists may differ.