is short for the full name of the module,Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet
. The full name is what is used in PowerShell and when published to the PowerShell Gallery.
PSResourceGet is a PowerShell module with commands for discovering, installing, updating and publishing the PowerShell resources like Modules, Scripts, and DSC Resources.
Click here to reference the documentation.
is short for the full name Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet
.PS > cd 'C:\Repos'
PS C:\Repos> git clone https://github.com/PowerShell/PSResourceGet
PS C:\> cd c:\Repos\PSResourceGet
PS C:\Repos\PSResourceGet>
# Build for the net472 framework
PS C:\Repos\PSResourceGet> .\build.ps1 -Clean -Build -BuildConfiguration Debug -BuildFramework net472
# Build for the netstandard2.0 framework
PS C:\Repos\PSResourceGet> .\build.ps1 -Clean -Build -BuildConfiguration Debug -BuildFramework netstandard2.0
PS C:\Repos\PSResourceGet> Invoke-Pester
PS C:\Repos\PSResourceGet> Invoke-Pester <file-name>
# If running PowerShell 6+
C:\> pwsh
C:\> Import-Module C:\Repos\PSResourceGet\out\PSResourceGet
# If running Windows PowerShell
c:\> PowerShell
C:\> Import-Module C:\Repos\PSResourceGet\out\PSResourceGet\PSResourceGet.psd1
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