PowershellFrameworkCollective / psframework

A module that provides tools for other modules and scripts
MIT License
417 stars 38 forks source link


A module that provides tools for other modules and scripts


Welcome to the psframework project. The design goal is to create a framework specific to powershell scripting in general. It provides infrastructure for generic scripting tasks, such as:

More guidance

All of the upcoming documentation will also be hosted at the official PSFramework website, existing documentation shall be copied to also be available there.

The PSFramework project has a related slack community, where everybody is free to join, ask questions or discuss practices. For a free invite, check our Contact page

The PSFramework comes with lots of internal documentation. All functions ship with help and examples and there are quite a few concept help articles:

Get-Help about_psf*

(Note: Some of them are not quite done yet) Finally, I also like to write in my blog about the PSFramework and all my other projects.