FinTracker is a Flutter application that helps you track your expenses and manage category budgets. It provides a user-friendly interface to enter and categorize your expenses, giving you insights into your spending habits and helping you stay within your budget.
You can download FinTracker from the Google Play Store:
git clone
cd fintracker
flutter pub get
flutter run
Check out our detailed roadmap for planned features and updates!
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
For any questions or inquiries, please email us at
BDD Framework: Add the bdd_widget_test package to your pubspec.yaml file.
dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter bdd_widget_test: latest_version
Testing Framework: Ensure you have flutter_test or any other testing package installed.
Create a new feature file inside the test/features directory. This file should describe the behavior of your app in natural language.
Feature: Landing Page for Fintracker App
As a new user of the Fintracker app I want to see an informative landing page So that I can understand the app's purpose and get started
Scenario: Viewing the Landing Page Given I am a new user opening the Fintracker app When I arrive at the landing page Then I should see the app name "Fintracker" And I should see the tagline "Easy method to manage your savings" And I should see 3 key features of the app And I should see a "Get Started" button
Scenario: Starting the onboarding process Given I am on the landing page When I tap the "Get Started" button Then the onboarding process should begin
In your Dart code, create step definitions that correspond to the scenarios written in your feature file. Step definitions map the steps in your Gherkin scenarios to executable Dart code.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:bdd_widget_test/bdd_widget_test.dart';
void main() { BddWidgetTest().execute([ group('''FinTracker Home Screen''', () { testWidgets('''User views the home screen''', (tester) async { await givenTheUserOpensTheFintrackerApp(tester); await thenTheyShouldSeeTheirUsernameOrGuest(tester); });
testWidgets('''User views account information''', (tester) async {
await givenTheUserIsOnTheHomeScreen(tester);
await thenTheyShouldSeeAnAccountSlider(tester);
await andTheSliderShouldDisplayAccountBalances(tester);
await andTheSliderShouldShowAccountHolderNames(tester);
testWidgets('''User views payment summary''', (tester) async {
await givenTheUserIsOnTheHomeScreen(tester);
await thenTheyShouldSeeAnIncomeSummary(tester);
await andTheyShouldSeeAnExpenseSummary(tester);
testWidgets('''User views payment list''', (tester) async {
await givenTheUserIsOnTheHomeScreen(tester);
await thenTheyShouldSeeAListOfRecentPayments(tester);
await andEachPaymentShouldShowCategoryDateAndAmount(tester);
testWidgets('''User selects a date range''', (tester) async {
await givenTheUserIsOnTheHomeScreen(tester);
await whenTheyTapOnTheDateRangeButton(tester);
await thenTheyShouldBeAbleToSelectACustomDateRange(tester);
await andThePaymentListShouldUpdateAccordingly(tester);
testWidgets('''User adds a new payment''', (tester) async {
await givenTheUserIsOnTheHomeScreen(tester);
await whenTheyTapTheFloatingActionButton(tester);
await thenTheyShouldBeTakenToThePaymentFormScreen(tester);
testWidgets('''User taps on a payment''', (tester) async {
await givenTheUserIsOnTheHomeScreen(tester);
await whenTheyTapOnAPaymentInTheList(tester);
await thenTheyShouldBeTakenToThePaymentFormScreenForThatPayment(tester);
testWidgets('''User scrolls through accounts''', (tester) async {
await givenTheUserIsOnTheHomeScreen(tester);
await whenTheySwipeOnTheAccountSlider(tester);
await thenTheyShouldSeeDifferentAccountCards(tester);
await andTheIndicatorDotsShouldUpdateToShowTheCurrentAccount(tester);
]); }
Each of the step functions (e.g., givenTheUserOpensTheFintrackerApp) should be defined in separate files or grouped logically. Here's how you can define some of these step functions:
You can organize your step definitions in a folder structure like this:
test/ steps/ home_steps/ step/ the_user_opens_the_fintracker_app.dart they_should_see_their_username_or_guest.dart the_user_is_on_the_home_screen.dart they_should_see_an_account_slider.dart the_slider_should_display_account_balances.dart the_slider_should_show_account_holder_names.dart they_should_see_an_income_summary.dart they_should_see_an_expense_summary.dart they_should_see_a_list_of_recent_payments.dart each_payment_should_show_category_date_and_amount.dart they_tap_on_the_date_range_button.dart they_should_be_able_to_select_a_custom_date_range.dart the_payment_list_should_update_accordingly.dart they_tap_the_floating_action_button.dart they_should_be_taken_to_the_payment_form_screen.dart they_tap_on_a_payment_in_the_list.dart they_should_be_taken_to_the_payment_form_screen_for_that_payment.dart they_swipe_on_the_account_slider.dart they_should_see_different_account_cards.dart the_indicator_dots_should_update_to_show_the_current_account.dart