PranabNandy / MCU-Driver-Development

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VLSI World with Do's & Don't !!!! #18

Open PranabNandy opened 9 months ago

PranabNandy commented 9 months ago

if you are fresher and don't how to start then follow below link. good resource for freshers on below link. - it describes link of courses , job roles, books, skills to get job.

Five Don’ts for VLSI job for Freshers:

  1. Don’t rely for Campus Placements
  2. Avoid Overemphasizing GPA
  3. Avoid Pursuing Random Courses
  4. Stay Away from Negative Influences:
  5. Don't Let Panic Control You

Five Essential Do’s for VLSI job for Freshers:

  1. Leverage the Power of LinkedIn
  2. Demonstrate Practical Skills through Projects
  3. Embrace Entrepreneurship and Startup Opportunities
  4. Develop strong coding and AI skills
  5. Enhance Your Communication Skills

good link: