PranabNandy / MCU-Driver-Development

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pyjama 3 #29

Open PranabNandy opened 7 months ago

PranabNandy commented 7 months ago

MCU ( Cortex M ) = MPU ( Cortex A) + Peripherals which are connected for low latency

This is Old concept.

Now a days everything is SOC ( be it MCU or MPU)

You can run linux on MCU but it does not make sense as it is not build for that

MCU still today by keeping in mind that ISR latency should be minimum

where as in MPU, it is not important factor

Screenshot from 2023-11-08 21-35-45

HW guys are adding more Instruction (in ISA) in new processor generation which make the system more faster from HW execution side.

Screenshot from 2023-11-08 21-37-26

Screenshot from 2023-11-08 21-36-44

Be it BMW engine, be it Merce Dez engine or be it Honda engine....... Main break, streering or gear etc. are same.

Screenshot from 2023-11-08 21-37-00

Screenshot from 2023-11-08 21-36-13

Assembler : ( Converts ass code bin code)

ADD R1, R2, R3 ------------------------> 0x8200 FFFF