The pharmaceutical industry in India suffers a significant loss every year due to the destruction of expired drugs, particularly affecting small and medium drug manufacturers. At the same time, there are many households where medicines remain unused and expire. To address these issues, Medi-Share allows individuals to donate their unused, unexpired medications to a community pharmacy or medicine bank that will distribute them to people in need, free of charge.
The application has several potential features, including the ability to appoint and manage volunteers by admin who can help collect unused medicines, track and manage the collected medicines, and connect users with relevant NGOs and charitable trusts. Additionally, doctors can join the local community to offer their assistance. Users can message with other users or in global community chat, view nearby hospital details, view disease predictions based on symptoms, etc.
To prevent the misuse of donated medicines, there is a capacity on the quantity that is supplied to each consumer. A proper dashboard is also in place to monitor the usage of the collected medicines and to provide an expiry date alert feature.
Through this initiative, people can now dispose of unused medicines in a safe and responsible manner, while also helping those who cannot afford essential medicines due to financial constraints. Overall, this project has the potential to make a significant impact by reducing the destruction of expired medicines, promoting community involvement, and providing essential medicines to those in need, free of cost.
The platform offers the following key features:
Medicine Donation: Users can donate their unused medicines through the portal, which are then reviewed and verified by dedicated volunteers.
Medicine Requests: Users can request specific medicines from the available inventory. To prevent hoarding, there is a limit of 50 medicines per request. If this limit is exceeded, the user will be unable to request additional medicines until the limit is renewed after 1 month.
Volunteer Assignment: The system automatically assigns volunteers to tasks based on their proximity to the order location. This ensures efficient and timely delivery of medicines.
SMS Notifications: Volunteers receive SMS notifications when an order is assigned to them. Users also receive SMS notifications when their order is accepted by the volunteer and when the order is delivered or verified by the volunteer.
Order Acceptance/Rejection: Volunteers have the option to either accept or reject an assigned order, allowing them flexibility in managing their tasks.
Admin Task Assignment: Administrators have the ability to assign tasks to volunteers, ensuring coordination and smooth functioning of the platform.
Doctor Announcements: Doctors can utilize the platform to announce health checkups or campaigns, providing users with valuable healthcare information and opportunities.
Messaging System: Users can engage in messaging conversations with both volunteers and doctors, facilitating communication and addressing any queries or concerns.
Doctor Appointments: Users have the convenience of booking appointments with doctors through the platform, saving time and effort.
Order Tracking: Users can easily view and track their past and current orders in their profile section, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Disease Predictions: The platform offers disease predictions based on input data and symptoms, assisting users in identifying potential health issues. Some examples of diseases that can be predicted include Brain tumor, Pneumonia, Heart Disease, Kidney Stone, Medi Doc, and Medi Bot.
Nearby Hospitals: Users can search and access details of hospitals near their location, helping them find appropriate healthcare services.
Clone the project:
git clone
Create .env file in backend folder and add your Twilio and google maps api keys in the file.
Create dev.js in backend/config folder and add the following:
module.exports = {
"Mongodb Atlas url",
JWT_SECRET: "Your jwt secret",
Open terminal in backend folder:
cd .\Medi-Share\backend\
npm install
node app.js
Create firebase.js in frontend/src folder and add the following:
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getAuth } from "firebase/auth";
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "",
appId: "",
measurementId: ""
const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
export const auth = getAuth(app);
Create keys.js in the same folder and add the following:
export const CLOUD_NAME = "";
export const UPLOAD_PRESET = "";
export const REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY = "Your API key"
Open terminal in frontend folder:
cd .\Medi-Share\frontend\
npm install
npm start
Go to your localhost:3000