Praqma / artifactory-retention

Clone & Own solution for Artifactory Retention Policies
MIT License
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Artifactory retention

Repository used to manage Artifactory retention policies for artifacts, builds and releases. NOTE: the Release Bundles will be removed only from JFrog Distribution, not from the Artifactory Edge Nodes.

Adopting this for own usage

Setting up a retention policy

You can either subscribe it to a premade retention policy or create a custom policy.

Subscribing your repository to a premade retention policy

Add an entry for your repository in the config/template-subscription.json file under the template you wish to subscribe to.

Available templates


-repo-name: The target repository -ttl-without-dl: Time to keep artifacts with zero total downloads

Setting up a custom retention policy

If none of the premade policies suit you, add a custom AQL file under the aql/artifact/ directory named <repository-name>.aql. This should contain an AQL query that fetches the items you want to clean up.

Creating a new retention policy template

New templates can be defined under the aql/templates dir. The script creates a copy of the template under aql/artifact/ for each of its subscribers defined in the config/template-subscription.json file. Any string in the template that matches a key passed in by a subscriber will be replaced by the subscriber's value.

Setting up build and release retention

Build and release retention works identical to artifact retention, except that you add AQL scripts to the aql/build/ and aql/release/ dir respectively. Templates are not supported.

Running retention

To run artifact retention, you can run the script present in the repository: ./runRetention.groovy artifacts <repo-name> [user] [password]

Note: If you subscribed to a retention policy, you must run ./ first.

To run build retention, you can run the script present in the repository: ./runRetention.groovy builds <retention-name> [user] [password]

To run release retention, you can run the script present in the repository: ./runRetention.groovy builds <retention-name> [user] [password]

Automating the retention

The repository contains two Jenkinsfiles for automating retention runs as well as integrating changes, you'll find them under the jenkins directory. You should be able to adopt them with minor changes.