Praqma / helmsman

Helm Charts as Code
MIT License
1.39k stars 172 forks source link
git-ops helm helm-charts helm-charts-as-code helmsman k8s k8s-applications k8s-cluster kubernetes protect-namespaces

GitHub version CircleCI


Helmsman v3.0.0 works only with Helm versions >=3.0.0. For older Helm versions, use Helmsman v1.x

What is Helmsman?

Helmsman is a Helm Charts (k8s applications) as Code tool which allows you to automate the deployment/management of your Helm charts from version controlled code.

How does it work?

Helmsman uses a simple declarative TOML file to allow you to describe a desired state for your k8s applications as in the example toml file. Alternatively YAML declaration is also acceptable example yaml file.

The desired state file (DSF) follows the desired state specification.

Helmsman sees what you desire, validates that your desire makes sense (e.g. that the charts you desire are available in the repos you defined), compares it with the current state of Helm and figures out what to do to make your desire come true.

To plan without executing:

helmsman -f example.toml

To plan and execute the plan:

helmsman --apply -f example.toml

To show debugging details:

helmsman --debug --apply -f example.toml

To run a dry-run:

helmsman --debug --dry-run -f example.toml

To limit execution to specific application:

helmsman --debug --dry-run --target artifactory -f example.toml



From binary

Please make sure the following are installed prior to using helmsman as a binary (the docker image contains all of them):

If you use private helm repos, you will need either helm-gcs or helm-s3 plugin or you can use basic auth to authenticate to your repos. See the docs for details.

Check the releases page for the different versions.

# on Linux
curl -L | tar zx
# on MacOS
curl -L | tar zx

mv helmsman /usr/local/bin/helmsman

As a docker image

Check the images on dockerhub

As a package

Helmsman has been packaged in Archlinux under helmsman-bin for the latest binary release, and helmsman-git for master.

You can also install Helmsman using Homebrew

brew install helmsman

As an asdf-vm plugin

asdf plugin-add helmsman
asdf install helmsman latest


Documentation for Helmsman v1.x can be found at: docs v1.x


Helmsman can be used in three different settings:


Pull requests, feedback/feature requests are welcome. Please check our contribution guide.