Praqma / metricviz

Code metrics visualization POC
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maintainer: buep

MetricViz - Code Metrics Visualization

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A tool for generating HTML visualizations of code metrics. As a proof of concept, the first visualization is to create treemaps of CSV data like in this example:

Example metrics

See also the description in Josra

Quick start demo

Try the simple demo:

$ ./


> demo.bat

The demo scripts run the tool with doc/input-example.csv as input and produces output in output.html.

Open output.html in a browser to see the generated treemap. Click the squares to drill down. You navigate back to parent level using right mouse click.


The tool is built and run using Gradle. You do not need to install Gradle, because the Gradle wrapper is used.

The example commands in this section use shell scripts, but there are Windows batch equivalents (with .bat extension).


Java 1.8 is required, but currently you can compile with 1.7 (defined in build.gradle)

$ ./gradlew installDist

Produces an executable in build/install/metricviz.


$ cd build/install/metricviz/bin/
$ ./metricviz --input=<input-file.csv> --output=<output-file.html>


$ ./gradlew javadoc
$ cd build/docs/javadoc/

Input format

The proof of concept supports a CSV input file as described in doc/ The tool may later be extended to support other structured formats like JSON or XML. The support may be driven by the choice of code analysis tools used to generate data.

Output format

The tool writes an HTML file that uses Google Treemaps to create a drill-down treemap visualization of the input.