Praqma / staci

Containerizing the Atlassian tools stack. Jira, Confluence, Bamboo and a MySQL database.
MIT License
12 stars 5 forks source link

Maintainer: Hoeghh

Important : STACI repository will be deleted, as it is no longer being developed on. Please see our ASK project instead.

Support Tracking And Continuous Integration

STACI lets you run Atlassian products with easy command line scripts. It uses Docker to create the environment and adds features for integrating the services.

STACI consists of:

This repository is maintained by

Quick Start

STACI uses properties files to configure the stack. You get started by following these steps:


There are currently no STACI commands to manage the Docker host.

Access Services

The install command creates a SystemInfo.html in the root directory. It contains links to all the services started.


Preparing Volume folder (only used when running locally)

Getting started

Turn off SELinux or AppAmour, if applicable
Create data directory (See Preparation section)
pull the repository (git clone
cd staci
cp conf/ conf/
vim conf/
./ install

If you want to change the behaviour of STACI, edit the file ./conf/

Taking backup of local containers (not working with external providers yet)

The containers have consistent data in /data/atlassian/ (default, edit You can take a backup by executing the script ./bin/ This will tar-gz the volumes to /data/atlassian/backup/[date].

Continuous delivery pipeline

The pipeline folder contains an implementation of the pragmatic workflow for this project: A Jenkins setup which uses the Pretested Integration plugin to merge changes from ready branches into master.

It is run like this:

Notice that the generated job has no trigger. You need to manually build it to pick up changes on a ready branch.

A pragmatic workflow

Praqma has a workflow that encourages feature branching and a continuous delivery pipeline. It is described in this blog post:

Once you have it set up with ghi and the git aliases, here is how you can work on an issue: