PredictionExplorer / augur-explorer

Explorer for Augur's Marketplace
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Augur Data Explorer

Extracts data from Augur Prediction Marketplace ( and stores it in an SQL database. Exposes all extracted data via WEB. Demo:

System components

  1. ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) process to extract data from the Blockchain and convert to SQL Database
  2. Web Server exposing the data in the DB over JSON API or HTML templates
  3. 0x Mesh Listener that feeds open orders from 0x to the DB
  4. Tools that generate statistics and run other useful processes


Requirements / Dependencies

Supported OSes


This script will build everything, the only thing you need is the go command in your OS


Setting up Development Environment (Augur Local Test Net)

Step 1. Start Augur. Instructions are located here:

But just in case, here is the command list to run:

docker kill $(docker ps -a -q);
docker system prune -af
yarn clean
yarn build
yarn docker:all

on another terminal:

yarn workspace @augurproject/ui dev

After Augur processes start, point the Browser to http://localhost:8080

Open MetaMask and add the Development account using this private key:

(Address: 0x913dA4198E6bE1D5f5E4a40D0667f70C0B5430Eb)

Go to 'Account Summary' page and use Facet buttons to get fake REP and DAI tokens

Step 2. Create a database

Create user on Ubuntu

useradd -m aedev
passwd aedev    # for example we will use '123' as password

Enter Postgres as superuser

su - postgres


Enter Postgres as development user

su - aedev
createdb dev

Init DB

As 'aedev' unix user execute these commands:

cd etl/sql
./ dev ./dev_init.sql

Note: this script will drop tables if database already exist, all data will be deleted

Step 3 Running all the processes


Configuration for production

The following executables need to be run:

In daemon mode (permanently)

  1. ./etl/etl (The ETL daemon)
  2. ./server/server (The Web server daemon)
  3. ./etl/mesh/mesh (The 0x Mesh listener)
  4. ./etl/tools/dai_balances (DAI token balance calculator)

Periodically (crontab)

  1. ./etl/tools/uniqueaddrs (Calculates unique addresses. Suggested period 1 hour)
  2. ./etl/tools/toprated (Calculates user ratings. Suggested period 30 minutes)
  3. ./etl/tools/gas_usage (Calculates Gas Usage statistics. Suggested period 30 minutes)

Configuration files

Default configuration files are located in ./config directory of each daemon For production the configuration files are expected to be in $HOME/configs. To load production config for ETL deamon, run these commands:

cd ./augur-explorer/etl
. $HOME/configs/etl-config.env
./etl &

To load production config for server , run:

cd ./augur-explorer/server
. $HOME/configs/web-config.env
./server &

To run the server on port 80 (privileged port), you will need to execute this command as ROOT, in your Linux OS to give the executable file permissions to bind to port 80 and 443:

setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./server

Note: SSL certificate is currently hardcoded for, you will need to change that to your own domain.

Log files:

The logs will be created in $HOME/ae_logs automatically

Start/Stop processes

The etl daemon won't exit until it finishes the processing of current blocks completely , this usually takes a few seconds on the Main Net.

Database Schema and documentation

cat etl/sql/tables.sql

List of (debug) tools

  1. dump_artifacts.go Dumps list of signatures of Events and Methods of Augur's ABI to the screen
  2. check_wallet.go Makes a call to AugurWalletRegistry contract and returns Wallet Contract address for an EOA provided as input on the command line
  3. check_owner.go Makes a call to an Ethereum address and if it is a Wallet contract, returns the EOA of the owner. Prints zeros otherwise.
  4. stbalance.go Makes a call to ShareToken contract and returns the amount of shares that a particular address for a particular market (and outcome) is owning

Useful SQL Queries

Basic Market Info query:

    market_aid AS mkt_id,
    CONCAT(LEFT(a.addr,6),'..',RIGHT(a.addr,6)) AS mkt_addr,
    extra_info::json->>'categories' AS cat,
    SUBSTRING(extra_info::json->>'description',1,70) AS descr
 FROM market
    LEFT JOIN address AS a ON market_aid=a.address_id
ORDER BY market_aid;

Market Orders

    o.market_aid AS mkt_id,
    a.addr AS mkt_addr,
    CONCAT(LEFT(fa.addr,6),'..',RIGHT(fa.addr,6)) AS filler_addr,
    CONCAT(LEFT(ca.addr,6),'..',RIGHT(ca.addr,6)) AS creator_addr,
    CASE oaction WHEN 0 THEN 'CREATE' WHEN 1 THEN 'CANCEL' WHEN 2 then 'FILL' END AS type,
    CASE o.otype WHEN 0 THEN 'BID' ELSE 'ASK' END AS dir,
    o.amount_filled AS amount,
FROM mktord AS o
    LEFT JOIN address AS a ON o.market_aid=a.address_id
    LEFT JOIN address AS fa ON o.eoa_fill_aid=fa.address_id
    LEFT JOIN address AS ca ON o.eoa_aid=ca.address_id;