PrehistoricKingdom / feedback

Feedback and bug reports for Prehistoric Kingdom
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New Excavation Sites Do Not Unlock Upon Star Growth #816

Open pigmanfire4 opened 2 years ago

pigmanfire4 commented 2 years ago

I am playing on sandbox, but without all animals unlocked - more animals are supposed to be unlocked through the park's natural growth of its star rating. I have surpassed one star rating, and the excavation sites that require one star to unlock have not done so (eg: I cannot unlock Vilyuy River Formation, nor other's that should be able to be unlocked). They remain locked. That being said, the skins/alternate species for existing animals that I already have unlocked were unlocked (ex: I have Camarasaurus grandis to start with, and I was able to unlock C. lentus and C. supremus). I was also able to unlock animals from existing formations that I already had (ex: Torvosaurus tanneri of the Morrison Formation). Still, I was not able to unlock the excavation sites to gain access to the animals in those.

mrlgrrd commented 2 years ago

I am dealing with the same bug. When my park was 2 start, the 1 star dig sites were still locked. Now, my park is 3 stars and the 1 star sites are available, but the 2 star sites are still locked. It seems the visual representation and the actual unlock level are not the same.