PrehistoricKingdom / feedback

Feedback and bug reports for Prehistoric Kingdom
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NOTICE: This is no longer actively monitored.

Please join our Discord channel to report bugs or feedback:

How to best report bugs


Without your logs, it will be very difficult to track bugs down, especially crashes.
Please include your player log and crash log (if applicable).

Player Logs -- C:/Users/username/AppData/LocalLow/Blue Meridian/Prehistoric Kingdom

Crash Logs -- C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Temp/Blue Meridian/Prehistoric Kingdom/Crashes

Issue Template

## Bug Description
// Tell use about your issue, give as much information as you can!

## Any screenshots or video that you can share?
// You can drag and drop image directly here in the editor

## Steps to reproduce the issue
// Any steps you can describe to reproduce this issue