PrehistoricKingdom / feedback

Feedback and bug reports for Prehistoric Kingdom
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Enclosures: Issues creating an enclosure made of two fences #865

Open uncappedmarker opened 2 years ago

uncappedmarker commented 2 years ago

First off, this game is SO COOL! I'm excited to see the final product! Really great work so far! 🐱‍🐉🐱‍🐉🐱‍🐉🐱‍🐉

I was creating a new park, and wanted to create an enclosure that had some 4m concrete sections, and a "viewing" section made of electrical fences. The animal I placed inside seems to understand the boundaries, but the game doesn't seem to recognize it as an enclosure. Clicking the walls doesn't open an enclosure info panel.

Interestingly, the animal sees 4+ million square acres of land for its "enclosure". This becomes a secondary problem because now its nature needs require 25% of 4 million square acres being water, etc.

I can provide the savegame if you can tell me how to find it. I bought it through Steam.


Liza .