PrehistoricKingdom / feedback

Feedback and bug reports for Prehistoric Kingdom
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language and UI #910

Open Rukoso opened 1 year ago

Rukoso commented 1 year ago

Thanks at first for the recent patch and new languages. As a german player i felt motivated to finally give the game another, longer try than the first time. Despite having quite good general english knowledge i lack the specific vocabulary to understand economic or technical related stuff.

What i want to stress is that you should optimize the translations a bit more, not especially for me but for other e.g. german players whos specific english isn´t enough to play the game in it´s current state. Some words aren´t translated correctly btw.

In general the UI needs some enhancement anyway so that especially newbies to the game can have a much better start with the game. For me it was an obstacle i didn´t have the patience for at the beginning (in combination with the language thing) I´m pretty sure that others already emphasized that but i just wanted to make my own point. I understand that it´s difficult to compress such variety and complexity in an easy to use and access interface but i think it´s a fundamental necessity nevertheless.

Thanks for reading and keep up making an amazing game.