PresearchOfficial / presearch-packages

Instant information packages for the Presearch engine
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Presearch Packages

Open source instant information packages for the Presearch engine


In order to install and use presearch-packages you need to have Node.js and NPM installed locally. Node.js install

$ git clone
$ cd presearch-packages && npm install


$ cd server && npm start

Development server will be available at: http://localhost:4000/

API keys

Use .env file, inside presearch-packages/server directory to store your API keys. When you will set up your API key correctly, it will be accessible inside your package main function as API_KEY.

You can copy example file .env-example and change the file name to .env

Do not push your API keys to the presearch-packages repository


Developing a new package for the Presearch engine:

Useful Github Contributing Guide

Package Evaluation Guide

Review Step:

Open up the pull request for the package and take a look at the file changes under the Files changed tab

You're going to need to look over these files for any malicious code

Testing Step:

Feedback Step:

If at any stage in this process you found an error or something was off or you have a question for the author, leave explicit, detailed comments on the pull request for the author to go through and fix.