PrestaShop / prestashop-flashlight

A docker based testing utility for PrestaShop
MIT License
24 stars 10 forks source link
arm64 docker flashlight hacktoberfest performance prestashop testing

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Spin up a PrestaShop testing instance in seconds!

PrestaShop Flashlight is fast: the PrestaShop installation wizard is run at build time, compiling the result to a single database dump. You will get all the content (catalog, orders...) of the usual PrestaShop development seed.

Supported architectures:

⚡ Disclaimer: this tool is provided with the sole purpose of bootstrapping a development or testing environment and is unsuitable for production.
If you're looking for a production grade image, please refer to

How to get PrestaShop Flashlight?

This project can be built locally anytime, but it's easier to use our pre-built Docker image available on the Docker Hub.

You may browse a wide variety of tags, including:

Some tags may not be built yet, feel free to fill an issue to request it.


PrestaShop Flashlight can be used as a development environment, a CI/CD asset to build up a custom PrestaShop environment, or any use case you can think of. Following is a list of resources and examples to get you started:

PrestaShop Flashlight embeds nginx and php-fpm, however the MySQL server has to be provided separately. This can easily be achieved using docker compose: docker-compose.yml files are provided in examples.


PrestaShop Flashlight is based on the official compatibility charts:

You can check this implementation anytime in prestashop-version.json.

Supported PrestaShop versions Supported PHP versions PHP 5.6 - 7.1
1.7.0 ~ 1.7.4 PHP 5.6 - 7.1
1.7.5 ~ 1.7.6 PHP 5.6 - 7.2
1.7.7 PHP 7.1 - 7.3
1.7.8 PHP 7.1 - 7.4
8.0~8.1 PHP 7.2 - 8.1
nightly PHP 8.1 - 8.3

PrestaShop Flashlight does not support PHP versions prior to PHP 5.6, here is why:

Environment variables

Variable Description Default value
PS_DOMAIN¹ the public domain (and port) to reach your PrestaShop instance N/A (example: localhost:8000)
NGROK_TUNNEL_AUTO_DETECT² the ngrok agent base API url, to guess the tunnel domain of your shop N/A (example http://ngrok:4040)
DEBUG_MODE if enabled the Debug mode will be enabled on PrestaShop false
DRY_RUN if enabled, the script will exit without really starting a web server false
DUMP_ON_RESTART if enabled the dump restoration replayed on container restart false
INIT_ON_RESTART if enabled the PS_DOMAIN auto search and dump fix will be replayed on container restart false
INIT_SCRIPTS_DIR script directory with executable files to be run prior to PrestaShop startup /tmp/init-scripts
INIT_SCRIPTS_ON_RESTART if enabled custom init scripts will be replayed on container restart false
INSTALL_MODULES_DIR module directory containing zips to be installed with the PrestaShop CLI empty string (example: /ps-modules)
INSTALL_MODULES_ON_RESTART if enabled zip modules will be reinstalled on container restart false
MYSQL_DATABASE MySQL database name prestashop
MYSQL_EXTRA_DUMP extra SQL dump to be restored in PrestaShop empty string (example: /tmp/foo.sql)
MYSQL_HOST MySQL host mysql
MYSQL_PASSWORD MySQL password prestashop
MYSQL_PORT MySQL server port 3306
MYSQL_USER MySQL user prestashop
ON_INIT_SCRIPT_FAILURE if set to continue, PrestaShop Flashlight will continue the boot process even if an init script failed fail
ON_INSTALL_MODULES_FAILURE if set to continue, module installation failure will not block the init process fail
ON_POST_SCRIPT_FAILURE if set to continue, PrestaShop Flashlight won't exit in case of script failure fail
POST_SCRIPTS_DIR script directory with executable files to be run after the PrestaShop startup /tmp/post-scripts
POST_SCRIPTS_ON_RESTART if enabled custom post scripts will be replayed on container restart false
PS_FOLDER prestashop sources directory /var/www/html
PS_PROTOCOL if PS_PROTOCOL equals https the public URL will be https://$PS_DOMAIN http (example: https)
SSL_REDIRECT if enabled the public URL will be https://$PS_DOMAIN (if not using PS_PROTOCOL) false (example: true)
XDEBUG_ENABLED if enabled Xdebug will be enabled in PHP. See settings here: $PHP_INI_DIR/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini false (example: true)
BLACKFIRE_ENABLED if enabled Blackfire will be enabled in PHP. false (example: true)


  • ¹required (mutually exclusive with NGROK_TUNNEL_AUTO_DETECT)
  • ²required (mutually exclusive with PS_DOMAIN)


PrestaShop Flashlight user is www-data, in order to set an example, by applying good security practices. However you can anytime run a container with docker, using --user root or in your docker-compose file, with user: root.


Back office access information

The default url/credentials to access to PrestaShop's back office defined in ./assets/ and are set to:

Url {PS_DOMAIN}/admin-dev
Password prestashop

Exit codes

On error, PrestaShop Flashlight can quit with these exit codes:

Exit Code Description
0 graceful exit, probably running dry mode or after a SIGKILL
1 reserved for nginx
3 Ngrok domain cannot be guessed
4 Cannot find PrestaShop configuration file in $PS_FOLDER
5 SQL dump is missing
6 some module installation failed (with $ON_INSTALL_MODULES_FAILURE set to fail)
7 some init script failed (with $ON_INIT_SCRIPT_FAILURE set to fail)
8 some post script failed (with $ON_POST_SCRIPT_FAILURE set to fail)


Does Flashlight support PrestaShop 1.6?

Yes. A polyfill is provided for the PrestaShop console, officially introduced in 1.7.

Developing a module with RW (known Linux issue)

The develop-a-module example is provided as a local environment for a developer. At PrestaShop, we could successfully use it with Mac OSx and Windows, but due to the nature of the Docker implementation on Linux (no virtualization), we could not yet allow the module to write content from PrestaShop to the host. Will keep you posted here, feel free to suggest your ideas in this project issues.

Api calls within a docker network

Disclaimer: PrestaShop is sensitive to the Host header of your client, and can behave surprisingly. In fact, since the Multi-shop feature is available, you cannot just call any front controller from any endpoint unless you set the Host or the id_shop you are targeting.

Let's explain this subtle - rather mandatory - knowledge:

Assume you have a module installed and working properly, and your PS_DOMAIN configured on http://localhost:8000

> docker compose up -d
> curl -i 'http://localhost:8000/index.php?fc=module&module=mymodule&controller=myctrl'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
some happy content here ...

Is working as expected. But what about the same request performed within the docker container?

> docker exec -t prestashop curl -i 'http://localhost:8000/index.php?fc=module&module=mymodule&controller=myctrl'
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 32000 after 5 ms: Couldn't connect to server

Indeed, this WON'T WORK, the container port is 80, only the host knows about 8000 in our use case. Let's talk about it:

> docker exec -t prestashop curl -i 'http://localhost/index.php?fc=module&module=mymodule&controller=myctrl'
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: nginx/1.24.0
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:53:22 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: PHP/8.1.22
Location: http://localhost:8000/

Damn! Do you know what's happening? PrestaShop cannot know which shop of its multi-shop configuration you are trying to talk to. Event with one shop, this won't be selected by default and fail with a redirect which cannot be resolved within our network configuration.

If you definitely know the Shop ID you are targeting, you can do this with success:

curl -i -H  'http://localhost:80/index.php?id_shop=1&fc=module&module=mymodule&controller=myctrl'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
some happy content here ...

but the best way to perform this is to set the target Host in a header field:

curl -i -H 'Host: localhost:8000' 'http://localhost:80/index.php?fc=module&module=mymodule&controller=myctrl'
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Server: nginx/1.24.0
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 08:53:22 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: PHP/8.1.22
Location: http://localhost:8000/

or even better if you use a Nginx reverse-proxy to forward requests to prestashop within the internal docker network:

# so you can call "http://localhost:3000/prestashop/index.php" to reach your PrestaShop id_shop 1 with success
server {
  location /prestashop {
      resolver ipv6=off valid=10s;
      resolver_timeout 10s;
      proxy_set_header Host "localhost:8000";
      rewrite /prestashop/?(.*) /$1 break;
      set $frontend "http://prestashop:80";
      proxy_pass $frontend;


This Project is under the MIT Licence, your contribution and new use cases are very welcome.



To build Flashlight for the latest PrestaShop version available:


Same but for a predefined PHP and PrestaShop version:

PS_VERSION=8.1.0 \
TARGET_IMAGE=my-own-repo/testing:latest \

To get more documentation on the available build options, please consider reading the top file Available variables section.

Cross compiling for another architecture

Init buildx:

docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64


TARGET_PLATFORM=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \

The OS_FLAVOUR defaults to alpine (see Alpine Linux) and SERVER_FLAVOUR to nginx (see Nginx).

For more documentation about available build variables, please see ./



