PricePinion / PricePinion-Backend

This repo is the backend for PricePinion.
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Web scraper

This repo is for building the web scraper we will need to use for PricePinion. Web Scraping

Development Instructions

Getting the packages.

Just like any JavaScript/Typescript project we need to install all the packages.

If you have just cloned the repo run the command npm i or npm install

The package.json contains all the packages required. If you run into any issues file an issue on our GitHub Issues or message Maslin Farrell on Teams.

Starting the development server

To work smarter and not harder, we have bundled the tsc compile command and node AppServer.ts into one simple command called: npm run dev Now you no longer have to stress about diagnosing bugs because you forgot to compile the code. We also use tsc-alias for cleaner imports, so this command makes it much easier. See the section Formatting for more info.

On the topic of compilation, with some Typescript projects and .js files littered throughout the project files. In this project tsc is set to store these compilation artifacts into a directory called dist. This folder is git ignored so it won't show up on our GitHub repo.

All the other commands


To format the codebase, so it's easier to read (because TS/JS can get pretty ugly) run npm run format. When

Tsc Alias

Aliasing is something that can be found in NodeJS projects. The whole goal of this is imports can get very ugly with all the directories for modules. When building a class or a new function, a rule of thumb to follow is if it's going to be used more than once, make an alias for it.

To make an alias go to the file "tsconfig.json" and under the "paths" key you can specify the alias to associate your class with. As an example, to import our Winston Logger, we simply type import { logger } from "@logger"; this is cleaner than import { logger } from "./src/utils/WinstonLogger.ts;


Web Scraper Testing

These tests will run when a pull request is made, and they must pass in order to push your changes to main. To run tests locally execute the command npm run test to run tests using Mocha and Chai.

Route API Testing

To write tests for the API route's please create a folder called routes in the tests directory. To run tests for routes execute the command npm run test:routes to run ONLY the route tests.