Princeton-CDH / ppa-django

Princeton Prosody Archive v3.x - Python/Django web application
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 2 forks source link
digital-humanities django hathitrust python solr


.. sphinx-start-marker-do-not-remove

Django web application for Princeton Prosody Archive <>_ version 3.x.

Code and architecture documentation for the current release available at <>_.

.. image:: :target: :alt: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2400705

.. image:: :target: :alt: Unit test status

.. image:: :target: :alt: Code coverage

.. image:: :target: :alt: CodeFactor

.. image:: :target: :alt: code style Black

.. image:: :target: :alt: imports: isort

This repo uses git-flow <>_ conventions; main contains the most recent release, and work in progress will be on the develop branch. Pull requests should be made against develop.

Python 3.11 / Django 5.0 / Node 18.12 / Postgresql 15 / Solr 8

Development instructions

Initial setup and installation:

Frontend development setup:

This project uses the Fomantic UI <>_ library in addition to custom styles and javascript. You need to compile static assets before running the server.

Alternatively, you can rebuild just the custom files or fomantic independently. This is useful if you make small changes and need to recompile once::

npm run build:qa # just the custom files, with sourcemaps
npm run build:prod # just the custom files, no sourcemaps
npm run build:semantic # just fomantic UI

Finally, you can run a development server with hot reload if you'll be changing either set of assets frequently. These two processes are separate as well::

npm run dev # serve just the custom files from memory, with hot reload
npm run dev:semantic # serve just fomantic UI files and recompile on changes


Python unit tests are written with `pytest <>`_ but use
Django fixture loading and convenience testing methods when that makes
things easier. To run them, first install development requirements::

    pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

To run all python unit tests, use:  `pytest`

Some deprecation warnings for dependencies have been suppressed in
pytest.ini; to see warnings, run with `pytest -Wd`.

Make sure you configure a test solr connection and set up an empty
Solr core using the same instructions as for the development core.

Some python unit tests access rendered views, and therefore
expect static files to be compiled; see "Frontend development setup" above
for how to do this.

In a CI context, we use a fake webpack loader backend that ignores missing assets.

Javascript unit tests are written with `Jasmine <>`_
and run using `Karma <>`_. To run
them, you can use an ``npm`` command::

    npm test

Automated accessibility testing is also possible using `pa11y <>`_
and `pa11y-ci <>`_. To run accessibility tests,
start the server with ``python runserver`` and then use ``npm``::

    npm run pa11y

The accessibility tests are configured to read options from the ``.pa11yci.json``
file and look for a sitemap at ``localhost:8000/sitemap.xml`` to use to crawl the
site. Additional URLs to test can be added to the `urls` property of the
``.pa11yci.json`` file.

Setup pre-commit hooks

If you plan to contribute to this repository, please run the following command:

pre-commit install

This will add a pre-commit hook to automatically style and clean python code with black <> and ruff <>.

Because these styling conventions were instituted after multiple releases of development on this project, git blame may not reflect the true author of a given line. In order to see a more accurate git blame execute the following command:

git blame <FILE> --ignore-revs-file .git-blame-ignore-revs

Or configure your git to always ignore styling revision commits:

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs


Documentation is generated using sphinx <>__ To generate documentation them, first install development requirements::

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Then build documentation using the customized make file in the docs directory::

cd sphinx-docs
make html

To check documentation coverage, run::

make html -b coverage

This will create a file under _build/coverage/python.txt listing any python classes or methods that are not documented. Note that sphinx can only report on code coverage for files that are included in the documentation. If a new python file is created but not included in the sphinx documentation, it will be omitted.

Documentation will be built and published with GitHub Pages by a GitHub Actions workflow triggered on push to main.

The same GitHub Actions workflow will build documentation and checked documentation coverage on pull requests.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License <>_.

©2019-2024 Trustees of Princeton University. Permission granted via Princeton Docket #20-3624 for distribution online under a standard Open Source license. Ownership rights transferred to Rebecca Koeser provided software is distributed online via open source.