PrincetonUniversity / neuron-graph

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Interactive map of functional connectivity measured by neural activtion in the nematode C. elegans. Live at

FunCoNN is a fork of NemaNode (NemaNode is reported in Witvliet et al., 2021) that adds Functional Connectivity data from the Leifer Lab on top of the Chemical Synapse and Gap Junction data generated by John White and the Zhen, Samuel, and Lichtman labs.

The functional connectivity data measured by neural activation is reported in: Randi, Sharma, Dvali and Leifer, “A neural signal propagation atlas of Caenorhabditis elegans.” Nature, (2023).

The project repositories, where you can peruse the code, request features, and report bugs are both located on GitHub:

This project is in beta and has not yet been peer reviewed. Data and code are released under a permissive license at

This fork is developed by Research Computing staff in the Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics (Robert Leach and Lance Parsons) and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute (Benjamin Singer). Request features or report bugs on Github.