Prinzhorn / scrollmeister

Open-source JavaScript framework to declaratively build scrolling experiences
MIT License
37 stars 5 forks source link

What is Scrollmeister?

Scrollmeister is an open-source JavaScript framework to declaratively build scrolling experiences. Using custom elements (<scroll-meister>, <element-meister> and <shadow-meister>) you can create complex interactive scrolling pages without a single line of code. All you need is an HTML editor and you're good to go, you can even render the pages on the server. Scrollmeister comes with it's own layout engine called Guides Layout. It was built from the ground up with scrolling interactions in mind. This makes it ridiculously performant (on both desktop and touch devices).

What is it not?

Scrollmeister solves a particular problem really well, but it is important to understand when not to use Scrollmeister.


Check out the website and demos for now, this is highly WIP.