The Face Attendance Recognition System is an end-to-end solution that automates attendance logging using facial recognition technology. This project includes a fully integrated user interface, data storage, and cloud-based machine learning for facial recognition. It is designed to streamline attendance tracking for educational institutions or organizations.
User Authentication: Secure login system using hashed passwords.
Face Recognition: Captures and identifies faces using AWS Rekognition.
Attendance Logging: Records attendance in AWS DynamoDB with unique composite keys.
Real-Time Dashboard: Built with Streamlit for easy access and management of attendance data.
Attendance Reports: Generate and download detailed reports of attendance records.
Data Management: Functions to insert, retrieve, and update student, teacher, and course data in DynamoDB.
Click for access:
Streamlit: For creating an interactive web-based dashboard.
Pandas: For handling and processing data from CSV files.
Boto3: To interact with AWS services like Rekognition and DynamoDB.
AWS Rekognition: Facial recognition service for identifying students.
AWS DynamoDB: NoSQL database for storing data related to students, teachers, courses, and attendance records.
AWS S3: Optional, for storing images.
bcrypt: For hashing passwords to secure user credentials.
Python Standard Libraries:
: For handling environment variables and file paths.
: For managing image data.
: For date and time handling.
├── Dashboard/
│ ├── # Main Streamlit app
│ ├── # Authentication and session management
│ ├── usuarios.csv # User data CSV (now pulled from GitHub)
│ └── # Utility functions for handling DynamoDB operations
├── Database/
│ ├── jsons/
│ │ ├── courses.json # Sample data for courses
│ │ └── students.json # Sample data for students
│ ├── # Script for populating DynamoDB tables
├── Pages/
│ ├── # Page for viewing the student list
│ ├── # Attendance page
│ ├── # New student registration page
│ ├── # Attendance report page
│ └── # About page
└── requirements.txt # Python package dependencies
Python >= 3.8+
AWS Account with IAM roles configured for Rekognition and DynamoDB access.
Git to clone the repository.
git clone
cd Facial_Recognition_Attendance_System
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate # On Windows use .venv\Scripts\activate
3. **Install dependencies**
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION are set as environment variables. You can add them to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or use a .env file.
streamlit run Dashboard/
Login: Enter your credentials to access the dashboard.
Attendance Marking: Use the camera input to capture an image and mark attendance.
Attendance Reports: View and download attendance summaries for specific date ranges.
New Student Registration: Add new student details to the system.
Logout: Use the logout button to end your session.
Use the provided JSON files in Database/jsons/ to populate your database for testing:
courses.json: Contains sample course data.
students.json: Contains sample student data.
Ensure that sensitive data, such as AWS credentials, are stored securely and not exposed in your code.
Use bcrypt for password hashing to enhance the security of user authentication.
Implement real-time facial recognition for continuous attendance tracking.
Add more detailed analytics for attendance trends.
Integrate additional user roles and permissions.
Developed by
Data Engineers: Priscila Tzuc, Julio Dzul
Data Scientists: Antonio Ruiz, Luis Martinez
Data Analysts: Angel Campos, Angel Sansores
pip install aws-shell
aws configure
aws rekognition create-collection --collection-id facerecognition_collection --region us-east-1
aws dynamodb create-table --table-name facerecognition \
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=RekognitionId,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema AttributeName=RekognitionId,KeyType=HASH \
--provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 \
--region us-east-1
aws s3 mb s3://bucket-name --region us-east-1