PrismarineJS / node-minecraft-protocol

Parse and serialize minecraft packets, plus authentication and encryption.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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client minecraft network packets protocol proxy server

minecraft protocol

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Parse and serialize minecraft packets, plus authentication and encryption.


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Echo client example

const mc = require('minecraft-protocol');
const client = mc.createClient({
  host: "localhost",   // optional
  port: 25565,                 // set if you need a port that isn't 25565
  username: 'Bot',             // username to join as if auth is `offline`, else a unique identifier for this account. Switch if you want to change accounts
  // version: false,           // only set if you need a specific version or snapshot (ie: "1.8.9" or "1.16.5"), otherwise it's set automatically
  // password: '12345678'      // set if you want to use password-based auth (may be unreliable). If specified, the `username` must be an email

client.on('playerChat', function (ev) {
  // Listen for chat messages and echo them back.
  const content = ev.formattedMessage
    ? JSON.parse(ev.formattedMessage)
    : ev.unsignedChat
      ? JSON.parse(ev.unsignedContent)
      : ev.plainMessage
  const jsonMsg = JSON.parse(packet.message)
  if (ev.senderName === client.username) return

Set auth to offline if the server is in offline mode. If auth is set to microsoft, you will be prompted to login to with a code in your browser. After signing in on your browser, the client will automatically obtain and cache authentication tokens (under your specified username) so you don't have to sign-in again.

To switch the account, update the supplied username. By default, cached tokens will be stored in your user's .minecraft folder, or if profilesFolder is specified, they'll instead be stored there. For more information on bot options see the API doc.

Note: SRV records will only be looked up if the port is unspecified or set to 25565 and if the host is a valid non-local domain name.

Client example joining a Realm

Example to connect to a Realm that the authenticating account is owner of or has been invited to:

const mc = require('minecraft-protocol');
const client = mc.createClient({
  realms: {
    pickRealm: (realms) => realms[0] // Function which recieves an array of joined/owned Realms and must return a single Realm. Can be async
  auth: 'microsoft'

Hello World server example

For a more up to date example, see examples/server/server.js.

const mc = require('minecraft-protocol')
const nbt = require('prismarine-nbt')
const server = mc.createServer({
  'online-mode': true,   // optional
  encryption: true,      // optional
  host: '',       // optional
  port: 25565,           // optional
  version: '1.18'
const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(server.version)

function chatText (text) {
  return mcData.supportFeature('chatPacketsUseNbtComponents')
    ? nbt.comp({ text: nbt.string(text) })
    : JSON.stringify({ text })

server.on('playerJoin', function(client) {
  const loginPacket = mcData.loginPacket

  client.write('login', {
    hashedSeed: [0, 0],
    maxPlayers: server.maxPlayers,
    viewDistance: 10,
    reducedDebugInfo: false,
    enableRespawnScreen: true,
    isDebug: false,
    isFlat: false

  client.write('position', {
    x: 0,
    y: 255,
    z: 0,
    yaw: 0,
    pitch: 0,
    flags: 0x00

  const message = {
    translate: 'chat.type.announcement',
    with: [
      'Hello, world!'
  if (mcData.supportFeature('signedChat')) {
    client.write('player_chat', {
      plainMessage: message,
      signedChatContent: '',
      unsignedChatContent: chatText(message),
      type: 0,
      senderUuid: 'd3527a0b-bc03-45d5-a878-2aafdd8c8a43', // random
      senderName: JSON.stringify({ text: 'me' }),
      senderTeam: undefined,
      salt: 0n,
      signature: mcData.supportFeature('useChatSessions') ? undefined : Buffer.alloc(0),
      previousMessages: [],
      filterType: 0,
      networkName: JSON.stringify({ text: 'me' })
  } else {
    client.write('chat', { message: JSON.stringify({ text: message }), position: 0, sender: 'me' })



You can enable some protocol debugging output using DEBUG environment variable:

DEBUG="minecraft-protocol" node [...]

On Windows:

set DEBUG=minecraft-protocol
node your_script.js


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