Prismwork / flexible-arms

Library mod allowing adjusting arm positions in item JSON models. Inspired by the great Blåhaj mod.
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link

Flexible Arms

A Quilt mod (potentially Fabric & NeoForge too but I don't have time to do a multi-platform setup and I'm too lazy to handle this as well) allowing adjusting arm positions in item JSON models.

This mod is inspired by the great Blåhaj mod.

Getting Started

It's pretty simple! You just need to add a few lines into your existing JSON model files.

  // ...
  "arm_properties": {
    "held_mainhand": {
      "right_arm": { // Adjust the right arm
        "pitch": -0.95, // Any float value is valid
        "yaw": -0.39, // Here too
        "roll": 0.0,
        "follow_sight": false // Optional - Whether this arm will move according to the holder's sight (Think bows and crossbows)
      "left_arm": { // Left arm too
        "pitch": -0.90,
        "yaw": 0.39,
        "roll": 0.0,
        "follow_sight": false
    "held_offhand": { // Also off hand
      "right_arm": { // Adjust the right arm
        "pitch": -0.95, // Any float value is valid
        "yaw": -0.39, // Here too
        "roll": 0.0,
        "follow_sight": false // Optional - Whether this arm will move according to the holder's sight (Think bows and crossbows)
      "left_arm": { // Left arm too
        "pitch": -0.90,
        "yaw": 0.39,
        "roll": 0.0,
        "follow_sight": false
    // If any field above (except for "follow_sight") is presented,
    // the game will not try to adjust the model with vanilla mechanics.
    // You'd better configure both pitch and yaw for each arm at the same time.

JSON does not support comments, you'll need to remove the comments before you put them into a real JSON file!