PritiKumr / rust-httpd

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A WebServer in Rust for fun & learning

Just to see what it takes to build a HTTP web server and to learn Rust along the way.

How to run?

Make sure you have cargo installed and run the command cargo run to boot up the server.

Visit locahost:8888 from your browser.

What can it do now?

  1. Say hello world - visit localhost:8888/hello

  2. Serve static files - visit localhost:8888/files/index.html - this will serve the index.html file from the www folder in the repo root. Place any other file inside www and they can be served similarly (using the /files prefix - this will be configurable by the user in future, just like in Apache and Nginx).

  3. Execute CGI Scripts - place any script inside the cgi folder and they can be executed by visiting localhost:8888/cgi/script. This is a very simplistic implementation. Planning to support SCGI. Maybe FastCGI in future.