PriyankaGurnaniCometChat / marketplace-cometchat

How to Build a Marketplace Site with React & Node.js (Amazon Clone) with CometChat
MIT License
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Marketplace Site With React and Real-time Chat (Amazon Clone)

Read the full tutorial here:

>> How to Build a Marketplace Site With React (Amazon Clone)

This example shows how to build an marketplace like Amazon where you can chat with the product's seller to answer your queries:

Desktop Demo Mobile Demo


This demo uses:

Running the demo

To run the demo follow these steps:

  1. Head to CometChat Pro and create an account
  2. From the dashboard, create a new app called "Marketplace Chat"
  3. Once created, click Explore
  4. Go to the API Keys tab and click Create API Key
  5. Create an API key called "Marketplace Chat Key" with Full Access
  6. Clone the repository by running git clone and open it in your editor of choice.
  7. Copy the .env.example and rename it to .env and update the COMETCHAT related variables with your appId, authKey and region.
  8. Run npm install on the root of the project to install dependencies.
  9. Run npm start to run you application locally.
  10. Start registering users and creating products!

Questions about running the demo? Open an issue. We're here to help ✌️

Useful links