A simple TDDT-application using JavaFX (Project for CS @ hhu-duesseldorf)
this project uses: java 1.8, VirtualKataLib (by Jens Bendisposto), javafx, gradle, travis ci, pdfTeX, TikZ, Heretikz
This tool can be useful for cs beginners that want to learn the technique of test-driven development. Basic JUnit and Java knowledge is recommended to profit from this tool as the exercises require you to write Java code and corresponding JUnit tests.
This project uses gradle as a build-system.
To compile from source, first navigate to the tddt subfolder:
cd tddt
Then start the build-processs with the following commands:
Run ./gradlew build
on Unix based systems.
Run gradlew build
on Windows based systems.
You can then launch the software with the following command:
Run ./gradlew run
on Unix based systems.
Run gradlew run
on Windows based systems.
We do not provide a static documentation here, instead you can create your own up-to-date documentation from our source with simple tools we provided.
Navigate to the docs folder with cd docs
Then execute the following command: sh generateJavaDoc.sh
On Windows you can use the corresponding batch-file.
Navigate to the docs folder with cd docs
Then execute the following command: sh generateClassDiagram.sh
On Windows you can use the corresponding batch-file.
Note that in order for this to work you need a working LaTex system with pdftex and the following packages:
tikz, tikz-qtree, tikz-qtree-compat
To get started, refer to our manual, located in the manual folder.
Our logfiles, documenting our weekly meeting, can be found in the logs folder.
This program is provided under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0. For more information regarding this, open the license.pdf, which can be found in the same folder as this file.