ProcessMiner / nlcor

An implementation of an efficient heuristic to compute the nonlinear correlations between numeric vectors. The heuristic works by adaptively identifying multiple local regions of linear correlations to estimate the overall nonlinear correlation. The nonlinear correlations estimate has various applications in data exploration and variable selection for nonlinear models.
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@article{ranjan2020packagenlcor, title={Package 'nlcor': Compute Nonlinear Correlations}, author={Ranjan, Chitta and Najari, Vahab}, journal={Research Gate}, year={2020}, doi={10.13140/RG.2.2.33716.68480} }

Chitta Ranjan and Vahab Najari. “Package ’nlcor’: Compute Nonlinear Correlations”. In:Research Gate(2020).doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.33716.68480.

@article{ranjan2019nlcor, title={nlcor: Nonlinear Correlation}, author={Ranjan, Chitta and Najari, Vahab}, journal={Research Gate}, year={2019}, doi={10.13140/RG.2.2.10123.72488} }

Chitta Ranjan and Vahab Najari. “nlcor: Nonlinear Correlation”. In:Research Gate(2019).doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.10123.72488.


Estimate nonlinear correlations using nlcor. Yields a correlation estimate between 0 and 1, and the adjusted p value. The p value indicates if the estimated correlation is statistically significant.


Correlations are commonly used in various data mining applications. Typically linear correlations are estimated. However, the data may have a nonlinear correlation but little to no linear correlation. If, for example, we are performing data exploration using automated techniques on many variables, such nonlinearly correlated variables can easily be overlooked.

Nonlinear correlations are quite common in real data. Due to this, nonlinear models, such as SVM, are employed for regression, classification, etc. However, there are not many approaches to estimate nonlinear correlations. If developed, it will find application in data exploration, variable selection, and other areas.

In this package, we provide an implementation of a nonlinear correlation estimation method using an adaptive local linear correlation computation in nlcor. The function nlcor returns the nonlinear correlation estimate, the corresponding adjusted p value, and an optional plot visualizing the nonlinear relationships.

The correlation estimate will be between 0 and 1. The higher the value the more is the nonlinear correlation. Unlike linear correlations, a negative value is not valid here. Due to multiple local correlation computations, the net p value of the correlation estimate is adjusted (to avoid false positives). The plot visualizes the local linear correlations.

In the following, we will show its usage with a few examples. In the given examples, the linear correlations between x and y is small, however, there is a visible nonlinear correlation between them. This package contains the data for these examples and can be used for testing the package.

Example 1. A nonlinear correlated data with close to zero linear correlation.

A data with cyclic nonlinear correlation.

plot(x1, y1)

The linear correlation of the data is,

cor(x1, y1)
#> [1] 0.008001837

As expected, the correlation is close to zero. We estimate the nonlinear correlation using nlcor.

c <- nlcor(x1, y1, plt = T)
#> Warning in FindSegmentSize(l = length(x), refine = refine): Refinement too
#> high or data is small. Adjusting computation.
#> [1] 0.8825653
#> [1] 0

The plot shows the piecewise linear correlations present in the data.

Example 2. Non-uniform correlation structure.

A data with non-uniform piecewise linear correlations.

plot(x2, y2)

The linear correlation of the data is,

cor(x2, y2)
#> [1] 0.828596

The linear correlation is quite high in this data. However, there is significant and higher nonlinear correlation present in the data. This data emulates the scenario where the correlation changes its direction after a point. Sometimes that change point is in the middle causing the linear correlation to be close to zero. Here we show an example when the change point is off center to show that the implementation works in non-uniform cases.

We estimate the nonlinear correlation using nlcor.

c <- nlcor(x2, y2, plt = T)
#> Warning in FindSegmentSize(l = length(x), refine = refine): Refinement too
#> high or data is small. Adjusting computation.
#> [1] 0.8960923
#> [1] 0
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

It is visible from the plot that nlcor could estimate the piecewise correlations in a non-uniform scenario. Also, the nonlinear correlation comes out to be higher than the linear correlation.

Example 3. Highly noncorrelated data. Typical in multi-seasonal processes.

A data with higher and multiple frequency variations.

plot(x3, y3)

The linear correlation of the data is,

cor(x3, y3)
#> [1] -0.1337304

The linear correlation is expectedly small, albeit not close to zero due to some linearity.

Here we show we can refine the granularity of the correlation computation.

Under default settings, the output of nlcor will be,

c <- nlcor(x3, y3, plt = T)
#> [1] 0.85456
#> [1] 0.00441262
#> Warning: Removed 148 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

As can be seen in the figure, nlcor overlooked some of the local relationships. We can refine the correlation estimation by changing the refine parameter. It can be set as any value between 0 and 1. A lower value enforces higher refinement. However, higher refinement adversely affects the p value. Meaning, the resultant correlation estimate may be statistically insignificant (similar to overfitting). Therefore, it is recommended to avoid over refinement.

Typically, the refine should be less than 0.20. In this data, we rerun the correlation estimation with refine = 0.01.

c <- nlcor(x3, y3, refine = 0.01, plt = T)
#> [1]  0.1337304
#> [1] 0
#> Warning: Removed 148 rows containing missing values (geom_path).

As can be seen in the figure, nlcor could identify the granular piecewise correlations. In this data, the p value still remains extremely small—the correlation is statistically significant.

Example 4. Line visualization adjustment.

Sometimes we want to change the line thickness and its opacity (1-transparency).

They can be adjusted with line_thickness and line_opacity arguments.

c <- nlcor(x1, y1, plt = T, line_thickness = 2.5, line_opacity = 0.8)
#> Warning in FindSegmentSize(l = length(x), refine = refine): Refinement too
#> high or data is small. Adjusting computation.


This package provides an implementation of an efficient heuristic to compute the nonlinear correlations between numeric vectors. The heuristic works by adaptively identifying multiple local regions of linear correlations to estimate the overall nonlinear correlation. Its usages are demonstrated here with few examples.


Chitta Ranjan

Devleena Banerjee

Visit <> for further information.