Professor-Redwood-Team / Professor-Redwood

Pokemon Go Discord Bot
MIT License
34 stars 21 forks source link
bot discord discordbot pokemon pokemongo professor-redwood raids

Professor Redwood

Build Status


Professor Redwood has arrived from the California Bay Area. He will help you run your local discord communities for Pokemon GO. See our bot in action on the SF PoGo Raids Meetup

How do I contribute?

Make a pull request!

How do I get set up?

To run this bot you will need a ES6 node environment. The bot currently does not have database functions.

1) Create a role called mod and give it the following privileges:

2) Create roles (this will take a while):

3) Create Channels:

4) Follow instructions in the config/ to create an .env file with secrets in the root directory.

5) Create your bot

6) Run your bot with either node bot.js or node server.js